BlackShot on Steam reviev by Broda ty on YouTube
Broda ty is Polish YouTuber with over 40k subscribers.
He made a gameplay about BlackShot on Steam called “BlackShot
Mercenary Warfare / CRAP ALERT / Gameplay”
He moved in his film such issues as:
- Ban after the first start the game caused by a conflict of anti-virus and .exe file
- Running the game in a bad resolution of 1024x768, which can be changed only after the end of the tutorial which can not be skip
- Weapon/items for hours
- The vast difference between the weapons for BP and BSC (he called it just “pay to win”)
- BSC weapons are OP
- Huge and strange weapon recoil
- No matter what computer you play, the animations are lag/bugged
- Switch lagers
- Overall, he said that he got cancer by this game
I wrote here only part of the issues raised by Brodaty
I hope that at your weekly meeting with game developers, all of you will watch this gameplay, and the Polish GM translate to English in real time.
If you still think that your policy and the conduct of the game is correct…
Watch this