New server, new begining
Came back after a long brake, playing from the beginning, since close beta, and I feel no mater how many hours I play, I'm not gonna be nowhere near the top, high level players.
I wish me and the others who feel the same could have a fresh start on a new server, where everybody starts from the beginning. I like this game, and I think there is no balance in it right now for the comeback players.
So I would like to know is there anyone else who feels the same way, who would like to start over on a new server.
What you think?
I have to disagree its never been better to start, I been back coming up a year now and with the fast lvling & runes I got my AK 190+ and he is fully pimped out. So we can catch them to a point and after 195+ why bother chasing them anymore.
Our biggest problem is community size and breaking it down into another group will make it even harder for you guys to get party's to run instances.
From memory last time there was a new one made Rondow or something like that it didn't last long till they remerged it with us.
Main: xHarryMuffx 196 2hand AK
(PS: I have played since 2007 Beta)