Who would you like to see as DSH ?

bombkao21800bombkao21800 Posts: 3Approved Member Beginner
Hello Soldiers ! 

I was wondering who would you like to see as the next DSH? 

Comment below on who you think should be the next DSH in game that are already a GM their names are 

GM-Foxxy, GM-Elko, GM-Mentalist, GM-Arwen, GM-Athaniel GM-Baytarx vote below!

Great Thanks ! 


  • DevendraDevendra Posts: 5Approved Member
  • x_SPAWN_xx_SPAWN_x Posts: 25Approved Member
    GM-Elko :)
  • unkown1985unkown1985 Posts: 39Approved Member Beginner
  • islammmmislammmm Posts: 5Approved Member Beginner
    edited July 2016

    (Reefarl) <3
  • beogradskebeogradske Posts: 13Approved Member Beginner

    I'm certainly voting for GM-Mentalist and GM-ELKO, they are doing a great work in my opinion, but the others are doing a good job too.. I guess.

  • RaI3I3itRaI3I3it Posts: 3Approved Member
    The oldest GM and The most trustable towards the players to do what's right. Arwen has been a very old GM even before DSH-diabo. Arwen responds to every player rapidly and attentively. The other GM's that came after her shouldn't even consider being a DSH. Arwen takes no sides. Arwen does justice. Many think that i might be a follower of arwen. But all old players know i don't take sides and i don't dish out praise unless someone is really worthy of it. Arwen is a quiet and humble GM and she needs to be made DSH. I won't trust any other GM to be DSH. After Diabo i would only trust GM-Arwen to be a DSH that blackshot and its players deserve. Any GM can do sweet talking and a little bit butter doing to become DSH but we all know that record of good work and longest work time and most online time is the most counted and GM-Arwen has the most of it all. I never knew who GM-Arwen was when i first met her. I only asked that a player is having problem with his account and she rushed instantly to his help. I didnt even say his name and she said where is he. Tell him to do this and that etc. That's what you call a good person with moral character. Everybody knows I (RaI3I3it/rabbit) doesn't take sides and will do the right thing. I tell you this, I won't trust any other GM with rank of DSH other than Diabo and Arwen. "truth always hurts" and i just spoke it and i always will.
  • andrehenryandrehenry Posts: 2Approved Member Beginner
  • firas111firas111 Posts: 1Approved Member Beginner
    GM-ELKO :De he must be dsh cuz he the bast he love all and not rasist :D
  • iam_killeriam_killer Posts: 1Approved Member
  • rety41rety41 Posts: 1Approved Member Beginner
  • ElectradarkElectradark Posts: 3Approved Member Beginner
    My choice is for GM-ELKO, he always optimal in case of disputes, and always manages to be present when we call, i am French, for me it is her most likely Us help, there is no barrier of language, and many players think like me. 
  • DIABO_GameMastersDIABO_GameMasters Posts: 1,325BS DSH Professional
    edited July 2016
    Hi guys,

    First of all I hereby in the name of the hole GM Team thank you for the support that you are showing to use here, even if it is in a individual way.

    This being said, I regret to inform you that this is an issue that it's not under suggestion and the reason is that our Team Management is done internally by our team and that such decisions are based not on what users want or think but or even on popularity but on what we know and based on solid data/arguments. 

    For example, we are now on final stage of the Euro 2016 and even I sometimes "scream" why isn't Quaresma or Renato Sanches playing from the beginning... what is Fernando Santos doing?! The reason is pretty simple, I as a Football fan, in this case supporter of the Portuguese team, have a really limited knowledge and also not clear opinion due to my preference of certain players. Why? Because I only know what I see on the newspapers and television and that's not only just a glimpse of the reality but can also be totally wrong in some cases... The coach works with them everyday and better than all of us know who they really are and what they can really do and take the decision of who should play not only based on what the TV shows you but based on the everyday work with them. And even more important who should be the Captain... Just a small example to try to make you understand things a little better.

    Hope you understand and wish you all a nice day.

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