Here's a suggestion for ya.

xheartistxheartist Posts: 41Approved Member Beginner
So, the "comeback package" apparently gave people op Papaya wings and +8 gear? So you give old players, who are already level 150+ and all that, already have gear and what not. So new players like me, we don't get any op +8 items. Then we get PK'd by all these people, and we have no chance. In my opinion. That should be reversed. really fucked up. 


  • primd4l94primd4l94 Posts: 22Approved Member Beginner
    I do agree that new players should get these comeback tokens, but old players need these items as well. Regardless of level, really.
  • xheartistxheartist Posts: 41Approved Member Beginner
    They just already have so much, already strong. Then when they go around and PK new people with nothing at all, no +8, no +10s to compete. Get 1 shot by everyone. It's just rough. :c
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