piamia20piamia20 Posts: 1Approved Member

Hi GM I Dont know why you banned me For Nothing
And i never use Hack
am banned today's Reston : Association With Hacking
And Me i never Know What are you saying
And Thanks you so much
When Someone play good Mean he have hack?
Please When you ban someone check if he have hack or not and me i never use hack naver naver naver naver
thanks u !


Salut GM Je ne sais pas pourquoi vous me banni For Nothing
Et je ne l'utilise jamais Hack
AM Banni Reston aujourd'hui: Association Avec Hacking
Et moi je ne sais jamais ce que vous dites
Et Merci vous tant
Quand quelqu'un joue bien Mean-il bidouille?
S'il vous plaît Lorsque vous interdisez à quelqu'un de vérifier s'il a bidouille ou non, et moi, je ne jamais utiliser bidouille naver naver naver naver
Merci !


  • MrDeyveeNMrDeyveeN Posts: 419Approved Member Intermediate

    You can either go to Blackshot Global TS3 : blackshot.teamspeak3.com > "Waiting For Support" and wait for a GM/DSH to move or whisper you.

    You also can send a ticket to the support : https://support.blackshot.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

    The forum is not meant to report anything nor anyone...

    Check the Term of Use <<< here >>>
    Stopped playing because of Blackshot Revolution.
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