Poblem With Blackshot

XxMascaraxXXxMascaraxX Posts: 4Approved Member Beginner
Hello, after upgrading my day 04/05/2016 BlackShot stopped working, I put loguin and password but not to start the game, does not appear any error or anything, already I tried some things like turn off anti-virus , firewall, reinstall several times, run as adm, and format the computer, none of that worked, if they know what it is I'll be very grateful ...


  • MrDeyveeNMrDeyveeN Posts: 419Approved Member Intermediate
    Hello !

    Quoted from @DIABO_GameMasters >>>

    " @behowo: This can be related either with your Antivirus our your Firewall.

    Add the Blackshot folder to the exclusion/white list of your Firewall and Antivirus and try to run the game after. Feel free to join us on our Teamspeak at blackshot.teamspeak3.com > waiting for support and we will help you with this. "

    Try this and please, tell us if it worked
    Stopped playing because of Blackshot Revolution.
  • XxMascaraxXXxMascaraxX Posts: 4Approved Member Beginner
    My game is back to normal, thank you for the time and tips
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