_IQ_ - Recruitment
I decided to create a clan. A lot of good players already have clans and I do not know whether I can create a dream team but I'll try and need your help :)
My image of this clan is a group of people who rely on his experience in the game, thinking while playing and overall are clean.
I want to play with all the clans. I'm not going to check for 15 minutes who's playing and say that we will not play with them because we lose. Everyone is to overcome. You just need to find a way. (I do not mean here some funny clans created only to use the hacks and destroy game other players.)
Im looking for
- players with 500h+ in game (This reduces the risk of some hacker in clan).
- players with brain
- K/D ratio 60+
- English language sufficiently to communicate in the game
Of course of the above requirements may be small exceptions.
Those wishing to join the clan are requested:
- Name in game and previus name/names
- Total playin time
- Rank
- Previous clans
- K/D ratio
You can whisper me also in game xTwIsTeRx
I decided to create a clan. A lot of good players already have clans and I do not know whether I can create a dream team but I'll try and need your help :)
My image of this clan is a group of people who rely on his experience in the game, thinking while playing and overall are clean.
I want to play with all the clans. I'm not going to check for 15 minutes who's playing and say that we will not play with them because we lose. Everyone is to overcome. You just need to find a way. (I do not mean here some funny clans created only to use the hacks and destroy game other players.)
Im looking for
- players with 500h+ in game (This reduces the risk of some hacker in clan).
- players with brain
- K/D ratio 60+
- English language sufficiently to communicate in the game
Of course of the above requirements may be small exceptions.
Those wishing to join the clan are requested:
- Name in game and previus name/names
- Total playin time
- Rank
- Previous clans
- K/D ratio
You can whisper me also in game xTwIsTeRx
Hey SomeGuy,
yeah I started to play again few weeks ago. Thank you for the good words =)
The biggest problem are the players themselves. They are so steeped in the BSC that they have forgotten how to play.They stopped to pay more attention to what is happening around. They buy only powerful weapons, characters, gears and think they are insurmountable.
I see high rank players, even few start or Command In Chief who crying about that someone is hacking (high rank/low rank, nvm). But the truth is that they are playing shit, they just runing around and shoting.
Thats why I want to create clan with really good players. There don't must be like 30 players in clan. It will be ok with 10. Its even better.
IGNS: _PR0SP3CT (captain black), MrHSU (3 star banned 3 and a half year ago for association with hacking -.-)
Total play time: 200 hours on ACC im using now and old acc 1700 hours
Previous clans: Will only name the main I was: Oblivious, (Old) Kurama, UneXpexTeD, (old) mYm, wAsted, Galactiqs (Heavenremix_) and more..
K/D RATIO: 61% acc now, old acc was 63 was before much better but getting almost as in the old times ^_^
Unfortunately, my concept of the clan does not work. Everyone wants to come to the ready prepared clan.
Thank the people who had the desire and tried to help me. :)
Please close this topic.