NX1-P Thorium (pistol) not that great..

amjad360amjad360 Posts: 6Approved Member Beginner
I just got the nx pistol as a reward for reaching Expert 3 and had high hopes for it but I'm disappointed.

I thought it might be better than the tarantula but it's not. Why is the accuracy (6.5) so bad compared to the tarantula (9.3)
Don't you think the pistol should have a better accuracy than the tarantula as it's a grand master pistol?

I don't know if it's possible but i would suggest beefing up the accuracy to make it as good as the tarantula.45 because it's bad compared to the tarantula. If you guys good kindly let the guys upstairs know about this, it would be appreciated. I'm just disappointed. thank you


  • konohaplayer2konohaplayer2 Posts: 24Approved Member Beginner
    I feel you bro,its same with Nxi-K Thorium (meele)
    U hold nxi(Gm knife) on your hand but some little payer come in with ^^ and r4p3 u *-*
    Bs is not a free game so either buy taurus or just use Tarantula ^^
    Ign - UCH1H4_
    From? - Good O'l Ameri'ca

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