BS doesn't start / GameGuard Error
Posts: 10Approved Member Beginner
Yo guys. At this moment I've got this Error after starting BlackShot
What I've already done:
1. Clear re-install
2. Checked my Firewall (everything fine)
3. Searched any solutions for exactly this error (didn't find)
4. Restarted my Computer
5. Changed the hackshield folder to the latest given in Forum as solution
5. Started BS as Adminstrator
6. Antiviurs= off
Nothing worked yet. Any more solutions?
If you can't fly, then run.
If you can't run, then walk.
If you can't walk, then crawl.
But whatever you do => Keep Moving Forwards!!♥
Hello _xAP0L0GIZE_
This will help you by your Error :
Error 115
-Game has been executed multiple times, or GameGuard is already running.Close the game and restart.
or GameGuard has failed to initialize. Please configure your security application(s) and disable UAC (User Account Controls) in Windows Vista or Windows 7.