
adrian19eadrian19e Posts: 2Approved Member
Hello, I forgot my email address and password I lost to blackshot account, how would my password returning blackshot


  • adrian19eadrian19e Posts: 2Approved Member
    how i can return my password account blackshot
  • MrDeyveeNMrDeyveeN Posts: 419Approved Member Intermediate
    You should send a ticket to the support by clicking <<< here >>>
    Explain your problem in this ticket and they will give you the steps to follow.

    You can also connect to Discord (; and then go to "Waiting for Support"; a GM/DSH will help you there.

    Note : in case you don't know, Discord is kind of similar to Teamspeak 3.
    Stopped playing because of Blackshot Revolution.
  • DIABO_GameMastersDIABO_GameMasters Posts: 1,325BS DSH Professional
    adrian19e please send email to explaining your problem with the following information:

    - Account ID; 
    - Character Name; 
    - Previous Character Names (If you changed your name, write your previous names); 
    - Registered E-mail Address; 
    - Security question and answer;
    - Date of registration (When did you register? As accurately as you can remember. You can search your E-mail for any account registration E-mails related to TwoWar, Vertigo or BlackShot); 
    - IP address (What is your IP address? Find out at Can you remember what it was when you registered your account?); 
    - Last payment transaction IDs from BSC charges (3 Transaction IDs if you made any payments, you should have a transaction ID or Order ID on your mobile phone, E-mail. Ex. Transaction ID: 20140510133019359500);
    - Last successful Login (date);

    NOTE: If you dont have all the info, send the one you have;

    After sending the email, we will check everything and contact you soon about it. 

    Also feel free to join us on our Discord at >; Waiting for support if you need further assistance on this issue.

    Regards, DSH-DIABO
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  • onyot2000onyot2000 Posts: 0Member Beginner
    how did the account theft happen:my cousin played my account and the scammer see the pass of my account.
    account id:roger2002
    character name:iluvmightygold

    please respect my comment GM Tnx
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