* Zombie Mode *

vlrusev2vlrusev2 Posts: 1Approved Member Beginner

How about a new game mode? A zombie game mode!!

Yes so...

This will attract more people, more players around the world, more benefits for US and for YOU.

I want YOU to watch some ideias based on  the games like:

- WarRock
- CombatArms

These games have an interesting zombie game modes.



  • xettex111xettex111 Posts: 2Member Beginner
    i guess its good idea,but if u see we need to wait this game after all these years cant get normal servers ,almost laggs,hackers,kicking system fkd up...chat is fkd up...so the lazy gms need to practice more to get this game run well....
  • ELKO_GameMastersELKO_GameMasters Posts: 831BS DSH Intermediate
    Dear vlrusev2,

    We will forward your suggestion in our next meeting.

    Feel free to continue discussing / improving the suggestion with some ideas.

    Have a nice day
    if you have any problem Send us a ticket

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