Bug Fixes

i would suggest to change teh following bugs/settings
1) the weapon stats in the shop are often wrong: eg. The Heister Bag has got greater damage than the NX1 but the NX1 is displayes with 10 and the Bag just with 9,... (heister always onehit, NX1 not). The Shotgun-stats are absolutly wrong, the M3 has got the same Stats like the M4 but tey are completly different and so, all stats from the shotguns are not usable because tey tell me nothing.
2) we have still bug rooms in this game (u can join them but the game doesn´tstart and u can´t leave them). They have been in BS for a very long time and noone seems to be interestet in changing that.
3) the dismissal-system (host): pls reactivate it or stop sending the message that u can change the host with that because thats not true.
Pls change these things thx
