Purchasing game currency,items or any other service from sites that doesn't belong to Vertigo games is against ToS and you might get banned. I recommend you read the ToS, basically all game currency or item you have in dekaron is still property on papaya and you have no right to Sell/Buy them To/From any 3rd party side.
Wondering if new owners will consider option where can trade dills for DKC between players, Agency set an option where listed items got price in same time for DKC and Dills to prevent player to register all items in DKC. Ofc Dill proportion to DKC value should be well fixed from start. I personally think that would put those dill/spam botters in very unconfortabtle position, esspecially if Papaya set DKC value to dills same way as those spam botters do. Players would benefit from that as well, basically an alternative option how to get dills or items by DKC.