What about Matchmaking ?

I came to the conclusion that this game lacks such thing as individual skill rank system.
Something like in CS: GO.
Everywhere we see the players with low / medium / high ranks. Some play better others worse.
Some of the low ranks are playing very well, others with high ranks know only how to run, shoot and say that someone has hacks.
With this system, each player could prove to yourself and others at what level are his skills. Also clan does not need to play this type of game.
??And if it worked it might would be the first big step toward serious ESL in the future??
I will not prescribe anything here how it works. Here are the links:
In general, how works Matchmaking you can read here: http://counterstrike.wikia.com/wiki/Competitive
How is calculated skill level player (MMR): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glicko_rating_system
Examples ranks from CS:GO

Please let me know your opinions on this subject. =D
I came to the conclusion that this game lacks such thing as individual skill rank system.
Something like in CS: GO.
Everywhere we see the players with low / medium / high ranks. Some play better others worse.
Some of the low ranks are playing very well, others with high ranks know only how to run, shoot and say that someone has hacks.
With this system, each player could prove to yourself and others at what level are his skills. Also clan does not need to play this type of game.
??And if it worked it might would be the first big step toward serious ESL in the future??
I will not prescribe anything here how it works. Here are the links:
In general, how works Matchmaking you can read here: http://counterstrike.wikia.com/wiki/Competitive
How is calculated skill level player (MMR): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glicko_rating_system
Examples ranks from CS:GO

Please let me know your opinions on this subject. =D
Concerning the server performance that you mention, once again we sincerely apologize for the problems that we have been having but we have now implemented some changes that so far seem to solve the previous issues. As usual it's really important your feedback and if you are still experiencing any issues we would really appreciate if you could share it on the following topic with us:
[Community Feedback] Server Stability / Ping Status 02/09/16
The macro, and other hacktools, problems that you mention it's something that we are constantly fighting and your help is very important. Not only with the report of users but especially with the report of the files/tools:
[EVENT] Anti-Hack Campaign
@glubokij: Please send us those video reports and we guarantee you that they will be properly processed.
This being said, thank you all not only for continuing to share your suggestions but also your feedback of what is not so good or that can be improved. This is without any question to improve this game.
Have a nice day and have fun in game!