
murathan42murathan42 Posts: 8Approved Member Beginner
ı am entering second password but  it saying  wrong password 5 times and ı can not enter  game.  can u  reset  my  second password pls  or  what is problem?


  • Menta_GameMastersMenta_GameMasters Posts: 304BS GM Intermediate
    Hello murathan42

    Please try to change your password by using the " Find Password " button found on the patcher or the " Forgot your passwrod? " function which you can find when you try to login from the website. 

    If you still face the same issue, please send us a ticket ( https://support.papayaplay.com/hc/en-us/requests/new ) with the following info about your account:

    - Account ID;
    - Character Name;
    - Previous Character Names (If you changed your name, write your previous names);
    - Registered E-mail Address;
    - Security Question & Answer (If you have an old account and you remember those):
    - Date of registration (When did you register? As accurately as you can remember. You can search your E-mail for any account registration E-mails related to TwoWar, Vertigo or BlackShot);
    - IP address (What is your IP address? Find out at www.whatismyip.com. Can you remember what it was when you registered your account?);
    - Last payment transaction (Kindly provide 3 Transaction IDs if you made any payments, you should have a transaction ID or Order ID on your mobile phone, E-mail, or etc. Example – Transaction ID: 20140510133019359500);

    We will check it and reply to you as soon as possible

    Have a great day!

    Kind regards,
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