I can't open supply box (reward from levelup)

haggameshaggames Posts: 4Approved Member Beginner

H GM. I can't open supply box (reward from level-up) today. I passed "open" and then "confirm" bottom. The game started loading but nothing was changed. My inventory is 105/110 at this moment and I opened one supply box last week when my inventory was 108/110. is it a bug on me only or other folks have the same bug as I do?


  • DIABO_GameMastersDIABO_GameMasters Posts: 1,325BS DSH Professional
    Hello haggames,

    In order to be able to receive your gifts/rewards from your Mail Box you need to have less than 95/110 items on your storage capacity. Please use, or delete, some of the items that you do not have in use to obtain available space and be able to open the items on your Mail Box.

    This issue is already being worked on and we should have improvements soon.

    Have a nice day!
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  • AphroditeZeusAphroditeZeus Posts: 0Member Beginner
    My prob is that I can't open my SUPPLY BOX that I get after I ranked up. Not the mail, but the SUPPLY BOX. I opened 1 before, and never opened until I reached a rank where I can no longer enter beginners channel, then I tried to open my supply boxes, and it says loading and nothing happens. Please reply ASAP before my supply boxes expire
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