DKSQ Alternate modes

RPM1990RPM1990 Posts: 2Member Beginner
Hi all,

I love playing DKSQ and spend many hours in it, however, I thought of a few ideas that might make it more enjoyable and perhaps you agree with me...

1. There should be a mode for DKSQ that doesn't allow players to use candies.
   - Reason I make this suggestion is because in every bracket of dksq there is always this 1 guy that spends a fortune loading up with candies not making it any fun for other players. Would be nice to have your gears alone (and skill) be the major factors of the fight instead of candies and a zillion buffs from shop.

2. Different dksq maps perhaps with different sizes.
   - For those of us who play dksq for hours can understand where I come from here. It would be nice to see a change of environment every once in a while

3. Allow you to invite a friend to your team in dksq.
   - Now, I understand that this might tilt the odds of a fight having many more players in 1 side than another, but if the 1st criteria is met (aka even number of players on each side) it would be nice to invite a friend to come along.

Anyways, just a few ideas that I thought would enhance the pvp experience (could perhaps even be extended into duels and tournament modes but thats for another time). Please share your thoughts...
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