TroldeSeph/Ehlora Scammed me...!!!

666valentine66666valentine66 Posts: 6Member Beginner
Troldeseph give me my dil back please you tricked my friend and my girlfriend. 

My friend told me that TroldeSephwant to sell Red DK Wings Box yesterday. I told to my friend to pm TroldeSeph and tell him to keep it 1 day for me i would buy it for 25b.  I sold the whole day my items to get this big amount of dil.

After i need to go work and i told myy friend to help my girlfriend to do this trade. So they pmed TroldeSeph that we got the dil. I told my Friend and Girlfriend to take Summy Red Dk Wings and i traded him with my summoner so its obviously that i need for my class. Later when i come back at home i saw that the Red Dk wings are for dragon knight. I told my friend to write to Troldeseph that this wings are wrong and  we want our dil back. TroldeSeph ignored him and blocked him. This was really tricky from TroldeSeph to abuse this situation that my Girlfriend had no clue which wings she get.

Im really disappointed that  such a high lvl player with op gear need to scamm lower levels and trick them and scamm. Im going to report you troldeseph if you dont give me every single dil back and you can take your dragon knight red dk wings back.

But i heard he is very good with GM so he wont get banned people told me. I dont want any trouble but this is really dirty from you TroldeSeph.


  • Alii031Alii031 Posts: 342Approved Member Intermediate
    edited November 2016

    @666valentine66 if I am understanding correctly, you told this person name troldeseph you had wanted the summoner wings that were in a box, but he/she traded your girlfriend dragon knight wings instead? and if they were in a box, why would this person trade you dragon knight wings? im not trying to judge, just trying to break this down and figure out the details. I don't know what went on in this trade process but I think from now on, make trades between you and the seller directly, so you know what you are buying(so there is no miscommunication or mistake) and since the new trade these days, you need to confirm twice, you have time to look over the item (not like back in the old times, where many were scammed because the trade didn't have a security form). if worse comes to worse, I am sure if you try selling these wings, or trade for summoner (you havnt lost completely everything, you still have profit to gain). I know experiences in this game can sometimes be negative but try to find positive in this bad situation, try selling them or find someone to trade you summoner wings, these red dk wings are very popular and high in demand, don't lose hope, just let it go, don't make trades with people you had bad experiences with before, but there is plenty of good sales to find. hope this helps.

    also-I have had sales before where someone would be on certain class char looking for a totally different class item, so even if your making trades from a certain character, doesn't specificly mean its for that "class", also unless you had explained this to this person troldeseph, maybe she/he had no idea of what class if this was the next day, but if your saying this had been in a box, it should of been received in a box, if not the trade should of been cancelled. not trying to excuse the seller but unless they were informed, how would they know? trades can be very risky in any case, why its so important to look the item over carefully before the trade is "complete". but as I said above, try selling them or find someone to trade them for.

  • h2obrrh2obrr Posts: 290Approved Member Intermediate
    A fact:

    1)I've been with shop char in ardeca for a long time, I have saw Ehlora shouting Red DK Wings FOR DRAGON KNIGHT all the time when I was online...

    My 2 cents:

    2) How the heck you ask for summy wings some1 who is selling dragonk wings?

    3) How do you trade something and dont even put the mouse over the item to check it?

    Ehlora may have tricked you but with the given fact I stated, I'm inclined to believe you read it wrong, traded without checking and now is trying to blame some1 else for your own mistakes.

    In your position I would rather ask gently if the player could undo the deal than call he/she/it(lol) as  scammer.
  • 666valentine66666valentine66 Posts: 6Member Beginner
    1) he shouted that he sell red dk wings Box and red dk wings for dk.

    2) you protect him because you are a friend of him.

    3) i asked him after the trade to give me dils back because it was a (mistake).

    4) my gf don't even know how to trade in this game and troldeseph recognized that and abused this situation. He clearly know what he did...!

    5. read my text again before you post something.
  • h2obrrh2obrr Posts: 290Approved Member Intermediate

    I'm not protecting any1, I dont know he/she, to tell the truth I never ever talked to him/her.

    No1 forced you to trade, if your gf is brainless and cant read, or you didnt explained her what/how to do a trade is your fault. I read your text, in my eyes 90% of the sht that happened was your own fault.

    You may get mad because I'm not supporting you but that's how I see it. GL it's not my problem, I wont care more than I should in this matter.
  • gelu001gelu001 Posts: 65Approved Member Beginner
    edited November 2016
    thats not scammed if you dumb enough to pay for  a wrong classes wings.

    your foult not trolde.

    trolde can decide to give you the item back or to keep the dil.

    until the dil and traded succes you cant call him scammer because of your own foult.

    and no im NOT trolde i dont know trolde i just explain your mistake.
  • TroldesephTroldeseph Posts: 44Approved Member Beginner
    edited November 2016
    Hiya Valentine, I am sorry that you feel that I scammed you.
    You can sit here and blame me when the trade didn't go through you but your friend Neiliel, he was the one dealing with me with your girlfriend or whoever was on your account that day. I was shouting loud and clear of what I was selling, your friend Neiliel told me to hold them into my stock till next day, he was waiting until the person that was on your account to get the money for them. However, I kept the wings saved into my stash till next day.
    The person on your character logged in and bought the wings of me.

    I don't know why your friend Neiliel is leading you with wrong instructions about the trade. I would gladly give you the money back but in this case I won't do it anymore since you are accusing me for being a scammed, I don't appreciate it at all. You weren't there during the trade and you know nothing.

    Have a good day Mr.

  • 666valentine66666valentine66 Posts: 6Member Beginner
    Trolde you had never the intention to give me my dils back. So stop Talking shit like you called me scammer and now I don't give your dils back.

    I asked you nicely after the trade to give me back you laughed about me and said no. Now let the community know what a bad person you are. I have enough of your false statements.

    Im out here.. btw Papaya investigating this now and check your account.
  • BonnieClydeBonnieClyde Posts: 59Approved Member Beginner
    Beware of the kid boss
    Incar Magician
  • ForumPokerForumPoker Posts: 99Approved Member Beginner
    If papaya will do anything else than telling you/your friend it's your fault because you didn't check the wings yourself, this would only show that they don't deserve to run this game.

    Of course it sucks if you get the wrong item, but at the end it was a normal trade no middle man holding any other items which should be included in the trade. Sell the wings and start over or quit the game if you can't stand this "injustice".

    In case you got any relevant screenshots of Trolde claiming he is selling a box or VS wings it's a different story and I would be excited to see the outcome even though it would still be your fault.

    Anyway the thread title itself is false accusation and you could end up getting yourself banned.
    IGN: Sorli / PokerFace

    Twitch / YouTube
  • 666valentine66666valentine66 Posts: 6Member Beginner
    I expected that he is a nice player and helpfully and would give me it back because of this mistake. But seems he have a bad charackter just like you Pokerface.

    If you protect such people you are much worser. Let Papaya decide what they do and don't try to change their decision...
  • ForumPokerForumPoker Posts: 99Approved Member Beginner
    edited November 2016
    You expected that before or after you called him a scammer? XD

    Now everyone knows it I'm a bad person because I post my opinion about something.

    Don't get me wrong I'm not a friend of Trolde. I got my own issues with him but I'm not going to let the problems between him and me alter my opinion about this accusation. You learned from this and won't make the same mistake again.

    Starting over isn't an easy decision I know that. One of my accounts was hacked once and I had my whole gear (was "only" full +7 at that time) stolen. Except for like 2 or 3 other +7 items of another class which were stored on another account.
    You still got the wings, accept your mistake and move on.

    PS: If papaya would change their opinion just because of my post it would be even worse, since I'm just a random player.
    IGN: Sorli / PokerFace

    Twitch / YouTube
  • TroldesephTroldeseph Posts: 44Approved Member Beginner
    @Poker, check your Forum inbox.

  • akpawnageakpawnage Posts: 7Approved Member Beginner
    I will buy the red wings from you after i get off work today. 25 bill correct? Im usa central time i be home 6pm central united states time
  • gelu001gelu001 Posts: 65Approved Member Beginner
    You need to gave up.

    This man or wife whatever Valentine dont want understand what we trying to explain him/her.

  • XBabyOwnedXXBabyOwnedX Posts: 1Approved Member Beginner
    Just a blackshot member searching for an error in the forum and i find this interesting topic. According to whats stated above the person accepting the items is clearly in fault as you have to accept twice to complete the trade as i understand. Publicly blaming someone for scamming when its your fault and then asking for a return.... If it was me i wouldn't return coz of your immature way of handling the situation. 

    Have a nice day :)
  • MisaValentineMisaValentine Posts: 26Member Beginner
    edited November 2016
    I just feel the need to write this here, i logged on in game first time in some weeks and i had a in game mail from someone that thinks i am this person that made this thread. Telling me to stop qq bla bla. 
    First of all, its your own fault for letting your gf do the trade. 
    Second, u let ur friend talk to trolde for you? really now lol. Did u really make sure your friend was aware of that you needed summy wings? Bcs even before i ended up with pneunomia and all other shit (5weeks ago now) i remember seeing trolde shout he was selling dragon knight red wings. 

    And for the last little comment, I am not this person making this thread. I would never try to blame someone else for my own stupidity. 
    best regards
    xMisaValentine/ xKillerJohn/ Elrenia
  • ApericAperic Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Why don't you just trade those wings for some you need?
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