LVL 1 Bots

sorcerer1214sorcerer1214 Posts: 38Member Beginner
well since my last post didn't post ill do it again?  Anyone else wonder why nothing was done about all the little level 1 characters being made over and over again by people throughout the day just so they could scam the game for the 100 rank coins?  yet there was a huge deal made about a 30 day earing that isn't even permanent?  Those coins make a big impact into this game.  I've already seen one person with a rank beyond the Dark Knight class.  You cannot tell me that that is legit.  An those ranks are permanent.  Those earrings wouldn't have been.  


  • bluekillzonebluekillzone Posts: 61Approved Member Beginner
    Rank-up coins:
    they go in the game they disappear or they just stay stashed away
    more coins = lower price
    even if people buy their ranks everyone will reach said ranks eventually
    stats given by DK ranks are very minor unless you've never played DKSQ once in the time you've played the game and are forever stuck at New Infantry because all you did was the trans-up quest

    GD Earrings:
    an unintentional bug
    if you took enough you could have a supply of 1 year+ earrings
    earrings have real physical stats that can impact the game in terms of play

    Stop crying about people playing the game. You could farm it too nothing stopped you from farming other than yourself. If you claim farmers are toxic to the game then everyone should be banned. If you claim multi-client/multi-account/multi-character activity is bannable then everyone should be banned. There is not one single person who has played this game that has never farmed nor has never used items across one character/account to another.

    If you still want to cry about saying those players are bots please be my guest:
    Create a bot script that can run 7 accounts at once
    creates max amount of characters for each account
    creates a party for all 7 characters
    then proceeds to complete the 100 mob kill acquire the 100 rank-up coins
    trade them over
    log into a new character and repeat the quest until all characters on the accounts have done the quest
    delete said characters and create new ones while repeating the process over and over again
    along with the fail safe of if any accounts are randomly disconnected because of the disconnection issues it can log in a new account to replace said missing account
    and to add icing to the cake all of this coded and debugged within the time span of less than 1-2 days because that's when the farmers first showed up 
  • sorcerer1214sorcerer1214 Posts: 38Member Beginner

    1.  bots are illegal.  

    2.  creating lvl 1 characters to take advantage of a daily then deleting them is also illegal. 

    so both those suggestions would get you banned.   But I guess papaya didn't care enough to bother enforcing their own rules.   As for farming my own coins, I did, just not enough to increase my rank ABOVE the black knight series.  

  • MateaB1MateaB1 Posts: 351Approved Member Intermediate
    Let's get some facts first...
    In order to reach certain rank you need corresponding number of points:
    New Blue Night - 5.073.721
    Blue Knight - 6.088.465
    Senior Blue Knight - 7.306.158
    Elite Blue Knight - 8.767.389
    New Black Knight - 10.520.867
    Black Knight - 10.836.494
    Advanced Black Knight - 11.161.589
    Elite Black knight - 11.496.437
    New Twilight Knight - 11.841.331
    So, in order to advance from Elite White Knight to New Twilight Night, you need 78.018.730 points, which you can get from 780.188 rank-up coins or by completing quest 7.802 times which you can do by running full 7 member party 1.115 times and if you do superfast 10 min runs it will still take you 186 hours. If you play 13h per day, you might just do it in fortnight for the duration of event.
    Now, I say, if any maniac is going to do this, he deserves a Dekaron medal for hardcoreness!
    I believe farming rank up coins in said way is not a threat to any game balance and has minor impact on community. Good call Papaya on this one.

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