GM Dragon was correct about it being client side
I haven't done any research into why but Dragon was right about what he said concerning the disconnect/login issues being on the client side. Occasionally I would dc when logging in or while switching channels. I couldn't even go to DV from the char select screen and would seem to dc after 30-40 minutes of game play. I was also having major lag issues. Now I have an I.T. degree so I would not recommend doing this without being knowledgeable in windows installations or with how to protect myself. Earlier today I had enough and re-installed windows 7. I put in all the drivers and ofc got the windows updates but left out temporarily my antivirus as well as turned off windows defender and windows firewall. I then installed Dekaron and after 4-5 hours of playing did not have any issues at all. I was even able to go to DV from the char screen. I then did some research and found a antivirus that works well with Dekaron and has a gaming mode specific for playing online games. I'm not advertising it but its called Avast and its free. I still have windows firewall and windows defender turned off though. I use a firewall on my network anyway and was able to easily configure it to allow me to play Dekaron without it interfering. I know it wasn't anything with my version of windows being corrupt as another person here in the house was having the same exact issues on my pc as well as on his own. Without slamming or bashing them, popular pay for service antivirus programs in the past have given me issues playing certain games and running some programs. As far as windows defender and firewall, they seem to block too many things anyway. Again I did not look into why they were causing problems for Dekaron, but through process of elimination sort of found out they were the cause. Also I will reiterate that not everyone should re-install windows or rip out there antivirus to be able to play without first knowing how to protect yourself online without them or them being disabled.
Sorry for the book but thought I would at least share this incase it could help someone else.
Sorry for the book but thought I would at least share this incase it could help someone else.