WTF happened?

swaylolswaylol Posts: 10Member Beginner
I haven't played dekaron since like 2012, probably earlier.

I managed to get my account migrated and...

I'm missing my helm, wand, 3 of 4 of my baal necks, probably more.

The game is horrifically laggy and low quality looking, on any settings.  What's with the optimization?

I got kicked in about 3 minutes for a "trojan detection".

.. wtf happened and can I still play my beloved 2 moons?


  • jamiesjamesjamiesjames Posts: 61Approved Member Beginner
    Some executable files of the game is unknown to most of our AntiVirus programs therefore it is being considered as harmful to your computer and if your AntiVirus software is active - it will crash/stop or block the game.

    Try to repatch the game w/your AntiVirus software disabled...make sure you're not browsing other website on the internet (downloading musics/videos) while you do this so you won't be infected with other malware/viruses online.

    Re-run the game with the AntiVirus disabled.
    Dr. Strange
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