Random Box Prize Trading...

iMollyiMolly Posts: 145Approved Member
I thought i saw a post about this before but I cant find it now. But i would like to propose a system that could help out some of the older players, and even some new ones.

We all know there are many players with multiple perps, emblems, and costumes all binded. Its been asked already about unbinding them. But id like to propose something a little different.

Instead of changing which items are binded and which aren't, which looks like it might be an issue.

What if you add in a trading station NPC ?

At this NPC trading post we could exchange any items out of a random box for a lesser item on that box's list.

It could go alittle like this :

Player opens Platinum box, gets another dragon emblem, well i cant wear two. So normally its just a wasted item, even though its one of the better items.

But at trading station player could take that dragon emblem and trade it in for say Lunacy or TF wep box. Then they could pick out good weap for their char if they need or another character of theirs.

Maybe you have plenty of unique pets, but you wouldn't mind trading in an extra one from your platinum box for a blacksmiths protector so you can try for that +10.

Or if you get maybe a second yes ray, well no need for two, but maybe i need a step 3 box, or wouldn't mind a 30 day holy water.

For Gold boxes it could be helpful if you get costume you already have, or wings.

For things like Horror random box it could work too. Myself idk how many costumes I've gotten from that box, and they all go to waste cause I don't need two. But i sure wouldn't mind if i could trade them in for 50 honneymoon dungeon ticks for more chances at drops.

The Ballon d'or 2, dont really need another pumpkin gem ? Take it to the trading station to exchange for dragon souls or lvl 230 SS.

Just an idea I had. Though it could be helpful to any of the players who continue to support the game and buy coins and dshop items. Thought it could also give some extra incentive to older players to try opening some boxes again, after you get some of the better items it becomes less worth it if you'll just end up with a second, non trade-able item. And for the new players, they don't have to worry about getting a bunch of the same items,emblems,costumes because if they do, they can atleast trade it to something lower on the list they could probably actually use alot more.

Thought this would be a cool thing to see in game. I'm sure many of the old players wouldn't mind getting rid of some of their doubles of items laying around, for something they can atleast use.

Not saying its perfect, but it gives the paying players that keep the game alive something usable back. Instead of a bunch of rare items you cant sell, or trade, or use really. This would also help as items wouldn't need to be unbinded.

The game could remove the item from our inventory like it does with event quest items, no need to worry about the game market becoming flodded with dragon emblems and perps, but still gives the players who got them something in return.

Any comments or ideas of how this could be improved are welcome. Thanks for reading.


  • DrunkenkickDrunkenkick Posts: 148Approved Member Trainee

    This is extremely well thought out, I could get behind this.
    Air above me, earth below me, water around me, fire within me.  #F*ckDesolation
  • masseffect19masseffect19 Posts: 12Member Beginner
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