A solution that might increase the Player count !

mootez122mootez122 Posts: 9Member Beginner
IP BANNED COUNTRIES ! : tunisia / algeria / marroco / egypt (and others..) basically most countries from north africa .

alright , let me explain what is this and why it was made .
5 years ago when blackshot was in TwoWar's hands everyone around the world was playing it . and then 
hacks and cheats spreaded , like ALOT ! some of these cheats were made from the countries i mentioned , basically cus the blackshot files were easy to acces (litterly just go to the file and open it as a notepad) 
it allowed people to buy NZ1 weapons / TWC (currently called BSC) weapons and basically anything with 1 BP [anyone could easly edit the file and edit the prices] also hacks that made in-game models' heads bigger so if u shoot in the air , like in roof top just shoot in the air in the direction of the enemy spawn and you would get headshots .
Blackshot GMs couldn't keep all the hackers from comming in and all these cheats spreading , so they decided to IP ban these countries , lowering the player base by about 30% or so .

basically you can download the game , but not be able to log in cus they made it "not available in your region" .
now you can download the game and log in but not be able to join any channels even global (even tho it's called global o.O) .

so since the files aren't easly to acces anymore and the hacking is not a problem anymore thanks to the security system and battleye , i think it's time to remove the ban and get more players in.
i mean , there are still players from these countries that play it , they simply use VPN changers (proxy).
but i think removing the ban would help blackshot grow more.

when i used to play it 5 years ago global was nearly impossible to log on all 7 servers were full most of the time and europe had 3 servers back then , and 2 of them are full most of the time.(no joke)

also many balance changes and BP prizes need to be adjusted to attract European players again 


  • mootez122mootez122 Posts: 9Member Beginner
    edited March 2017
    well , first of all using colors and font size doesn't make you any special
    and no , north african countries don't lag(aslong as the person doesn't have potato 2MB internet or something) . i personally have 42 ping
  • denisvdb200denisvdb200 Posts: 7Member Beginner
    Bad idea.
    Why must blackshot have more players ?
    It will break the game and if gm do that i'll stop to play
  • mootez122mootez122 Posts: 9Member Beginner
    so by your logic , having more players = bad ?
    logic is , having more players = more rooms / clan wars
    more diversity 
    and by companies logic = more money 
    idk what's bad in this
  • mootez122mootez122 Posts: 9Member Beginner
    go back and read what i wrote up there ...
    people were able to , now not anymore , cus it's blocked , not cus out of reach , otherwise it wouldn't be called global . also if you can't read the first post nor my reply how can u even post here ?
    as i quote from my reply 
    and no , north african countries don't lag(aslong as the person doesn't have potato 2MB internet or something) . i personally have 42 ping
  • ELKO_GameMastersELKO_GameMasters Posts: 831BS DSH Intermediate
    Hello mootez122,

    Thank you for your suggestion.

    We will forward it in our next meeting.
    if you have any problem Send us a ticket

  • mootez122mootez122 Posts: 9Member Beginner
    add hungryformore in game my friend =)
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