[Community Feedback] CS72: Fend For Yourself
Posts: 1,325BS DSH Professional
Hello Soldiers,
We've just released the update CS72: Fend For Yourself with the long awaited FFA - Free For All Mode!
Free For All mode was a long-term project for our team, and we would love to hear some community feedback on how we did.
Free For All mode was a long-term project for our team, and we would love to hear some community feedback on how we did.
You can check all the content of the update here:
CS72: Fend For Yourself (click for more info)
On every BlackShot Global update we always try to bring new features, enhancements and improvements that are a direct result of of your feedback, so please keep on sending your suggestions via the BlackShot Global Forum Suggestions Area.
As usual, we would appreciate it if you could check all the update information on the link above, play a lot and share your feedback with us after on this topic.
Feedback Event
To thank you and to motivate you to go even further, those players who go above and beyond in sending us helpful, thorough feedback by April 5 will be selected for a BSC Prize.
On every BlackShot Global update we always try to bring new features, enhancements and improvements that are a direct result of of your feedback, so please keep on sending your suggestions via the BlackShot Global Forum Suggestions Area.
As usual, we would appreciate it if you could check all the update information on the link above, play a lot and share your feedback with us after on this topic.
Feedback Event
To thank you and to motivate you to go even further, those players who go above and beyond in sending us helpful, thorough feedback by April 5 will be selected for a BSC Prize.
We would also appreciate, if you could immediately report any abnormal issues that you might encounter.
Keep the feedback coming and enjoy the new update!
Team BlackShot
Team BlackShot
This discussion has been closed.
This is the best game mode so far guys u did a really great job, i dont have any kind of lags on new map , no bugs so far game is working like never before in my opinion u should remove this throwing knife on this new mode. When someone have throwing knife he destroy all the fun on this mode simply just throw , kill and pick it up back and do it again this is only my opinion and another thing is that hounting mode i think u should change timer i mean like maybe every 2m and maybe the hunters should have a bit more time to catch this guy look on the new map is huge.Im whaiting for other opinions lets see what people think but to be honest this is the best mode GM/s thumbs up for You im going now we neeed to do more achivments now :D sorry for bad english Have a nice day guys.
ich finde das Update eigentlich ganz gut, nur was wieder geändert werden müsste, was ich nicht gut finde ist, das man im SD Mode nur noch 7 Runden wie im CW spielen kann. Das wäre zu überdenken das wieder rückgängig zu machen. Ich möchte auch wieder 15 Runden spielen können.
Ich finde das Update mit der FFA total scheiße. Clan teamen dort, Man hat nur 1sek respawnschutz, Keine Zeit einstllung, keine map auswahl, kein spielerlimit einstllbar,
was ist noch doof finde ist die Barrete Omega, warum? 1. die waffe ist zu op, schießt zu schnell, man läuft mit der zuschnell.
ich finde die Barrete Camo hat gereicht da diese auch schon mit jedem treffer 1hit gemacht hat trz amor 4 und 115hp.
ich bittte drum das die Barrete wieder entfernt wird
Have a nice day and have fun in game!
1:That Best of 13 have a lot of bug
BUG:"When a player enter in the game it change your side and make the team unbalance
if u enter the game in the middle of the team channing you will enter the stay on the same team when you were suppose to be red side when it changing
Example of Bug: 2:You are starting the match on blue side in the middle of changing side when u enter the team is changing you will stay on the blue side when you were suppose to be on red side
3: When you change side (if u enter blue team side when changing side your clothes colour still stay blue
when it should be no colour and the opposite team which was red team become blue team still have that red colour on their character
2:Bring back the Old SD. You can put the Old SD Type and the New SD
Blackshot was gold with that OLD SD Mode
3:Since CS72 You get 2 shot in leg or body you are dead even if your medkit is running at same time with ur 100 hp still 2 hit dead
4:Gaming Lagging
Due to CS72 Update there is a lot of lag in the game "You can spray a lot a player he can hit you 2 bullet you are dead, also player teleporting
5:For FFA We could atleast choose our map
6: Just Bring the old SD Mode Make the game like it was before CS 72 i mean no lag no teleporting and no 2 hit dead
Stay Clean
Stay Awesome
The new function on SD is very buggy and need more optimization. #BestOf13
Suggestion for SD:
They have a selection of rounds:
Example: - Best of 13
- 5 rounds
- 9 rounds
- 12 rounds
BLACKSHOT PLS FIX all little Bugs and Problems in Bs. This is not more funny
then maps are to buggy or they can not enter the our cw room than they lost the connection.
* or to add more Bp Content ( old bp content is missing too)
* or the hitboxes are also extremly buggy. ( Example: Than you shoot a body you can give Headshot ... )