[Community Feedback] CS72: Fend For Yourself

DIABO_GameMastersDIABO_GameMasters Posts: 1,325BS DSH Professional
Hello Soldiers,

We've just released the update CS72: Fend For Yourself with the long awaited FFA - Free For All Mode!

Free For All mode was a long-term project for our team, and we would love to hear some community feedback on how we did.

You can check all the content of the update here:

CS72: Fend For Yourself (click for more info)

On every BlackShot Global update we always try to bring new features, enhancements and improvements that are a direct result of of your feedback, so please keep on sending your suggestions via the BlackShot Global Forum Suggestions Area.

As usual, we would appreciate it if you could check all the update information on the link above, play a lot and share your feedback with us after on this topic.

Feedback Event

To thank you and to motivate you to go even further, t
hose players who go above and beyond in sending us helpful, thorough feedback by April 5 will be selected for a BSC Prize.

We would also appreciate, if you could immediately report any abnormal issues that you might encounter.

Keep the feedback coming and enjoy the new update!

Team BlackShot
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  • ThcMagikThcMagik Posts: 139Approved Member Trainee
    Hello everyone !!!
    This is the best game mode so far guys u did a really great job, i dont have any kind of lags on new map , no bugs so far game is working like never before in my opinion u should remove this throwing knife on this new mode. When someone have throwing knife he destroy all the fun on this mode simply just throw , kill and pick it up back and do it again this is only my opinion and another thing is that hounting mode i think u should change timer i mean like maybe every 2m and maybe the hunters should have a bit more time to catch this guy look on the new map is huge.Im whaiting for other opinions lets see what people think but to be honest this is the best mode GM/s thumbs up for You im going now we neeed to do more achivments now :D sorry for bad english Have a nice day guys.
  • LadybabyLadybaby Posts: 3Approved Member Beginner
    edited March 2017
    ich finde das Update eigentlich ganz gut, nur was wieder geändert werden müsste, was ich nicht gut finde ist, das man im SD Mode nur noch 7 Runden wie im CW spielen kann. Das wäre zu überdenken das wieder rückgängig zu machen.  Ich möchte auch wieder 15 Runden spielen können.

  • ThcMagikThcMagik Posts: 139Approved Member Trainee
    so far there is 1 issue when the match is finish u have like 3 sec gap and than u can kill another players
  • baran65baran65 Posts: 68Approved Member Beginner
    edited March 2017
    Easily, one of the best and most fun game modes. Cannot believe its actually been implemented. Finally going towards the right direction. The new map is not only fun, but its new, so its always a bonus. Hopefully we can have more game modes in the future. For example, my suggestions:
    One thing i have to say is that some weapons are just too overpowered and it has ruined the ClanWar channels; sr2 versek tuning, Throwing Knife and MSR omega/Phoenix. I know we all suggested the throwing knife but its just a little too easy to use and its really over powered and its not realistic at all. I suggest for the throwing knife we have to aim higher and then make the knife dip slowly as its in the air. 

    Barret camo? i mean, really? its 1 hit as it was just defualt. Do not like this at all, at least introduce a new weapon, not the same weapon with a different skin

    Claymore seems really fun and can be used to troll with ;D

    overall, its a normal update, but i would like to see the throwing knife changed. Many people who want a better Blackshot will surely agree with me and new weapons.For example, like we had the tuning version and the bp one. its a good way to balance the game out
  • ediisimioniediisimioni Posts: 2Approved Member Beginner
    Hello everyone
    I would like to thank staff at bs for once again for the beautiful work done, would they be able to withdraw in this way the grenade knife, good game at all.
  • baran65baran65 Posts: 68Approved Member Beginner
    One thing I'd like to add to the FFA Mode is that, after a certain number of kills we get without dying, we can get power ups. For example, like we get "extra mags (bullets)" after 3 kills, we should get different power ups after every kill. So, 4kills would be "5% increase in speed" and 5th kill would be "2% more damage in bullets", 6th kill would be 10% increase in health" and it just continues until 10. After 10, the user enters "god mode" where the person has 200HP, 25% faster speed, 10% more damage in bullets and introduce a weapon that can only be used in this game mode when you reach your 10th kill without dying. it can be a machine gun like m60 but redesigned and a bit powerful. 

    Tell m what you guys think ;D
  • leodeccoleodecco Posts: 5Approved Member Beginner
    edited March 2017
    Bom sempre gosto das novas ideias do BLACKSHOT , gostei do modo SD em relação a Troca de Lado ficou bem legal , mas ficou curto o tempo, vira 5 acaba 10 seria perfeito ,em relação as novas telas super demais modo FFA gostei de matar quem eu ver pela frente e a mina terrestre, ficou show estou me divertindo muito.

    Obrigado A equipe toda de Programação e os Administradores pelo excelente trabalho .

  • ThcMagikThcMagik Posts: 139Approved Member Trainee
    Baran i think your idea is very nice i prefer this option than throwing knife :D
  • Zeros1999Zeros1999 Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Hallo, ich finde das Update an sich ganz gut gelungen.
    Der FFA Modus ist mir immer schon im Game abgegangen, hab den auf PS4 in Games andauernd gezockt. Deshalb finde ich das ziemlich gut. Werde ich auf jedenfall sehr zocken.

    Zum einen, die neue Public SD Regel mit 7 Runden nur find ich unnötig. Das würde ich auf jedenfall wieder auf 15 ändern. 

    Dass neue CW-System find ich an sich echt richtig gut, da es sich jetzt noch mehr lohnt CW zu zocken und man als Team (Clan) was noch größeres erreichen kann wie zuvor.
    Ich zum Beispiel, war jeden Tag nur am CW suchten, und jz machts noch mehr Spaß CW zu suchten..

    Eine neue Omega reinzuholen, find ich war kompletter Schwachsinn. Es läuft jeder 3te nur noch mit Omega rum und man is mit ner AWP Crimson einfach komplett useless, wenn man rumläuft und trotz Armor einfach immer onehit ist. Und jz schon wieder eine Onehit Sniper reinzunehmen, find ich nicht so toll. Jetz läuft halt jeder 2 mit einer OnehitSniper rum.. 

    Die Claymore, ist eine gute Idee. Die is einfach auch in jedem Game dabei und gehört auch hier dazu.
    Wird zwar im CW bissl mehr aufregen, aber man kann da halt sehr gutes taktisches machen. 

    Also an sich, bin ich sehr zufrieden mit dem Update und werde auf jedenfall weiter suchten.
    Aber mehr würde ich mich wieder mal auf ein gutes Goldbox Update freuen.
    z.B. ne Rayne oder sowas, und bitte keine Omega erstmal mehr.

    "Good Job an das gesammte Team!" 

  • johnm2206johnm2206 Posts: 13Member Beginner
    The spawns could do with a quick fix its a little anoying when you spawn in and your looking at the wall all so would like to see the claymore in the shop 11 games first in 7 of them and only 1 box with gas granade very anoying i do daily videos on this game and its a little hard to do a video on theclaymore when i can not get it considering i have never bin in to free4all game modes its anoying this being the only way i can obtain it 
  • DasSuperXDasSuperX Posts: 0Member Beginner
    hello Liebe spieler/team
    Ich finde das Update mit der FFA total scheiße. Clan teamen dort, Man hat nur 1sek respawnschutz, Keine Zeit einstllung, keine map auswahl, kein spielerlimit einstllbar,

    was ist noch doof finde ist die Barrete Omega, warum? 1. die waffe ist zu op, schießt zu schnell, man läuft mit der zuschnell.
    ich finde die Barrete Camo hat gereicht da diese auch schon mit jedem treffer 1hit gemacht hat trz amor 4 und 115hp.

    ich bittte drum das die Barrete wieder entfernt wird
  • tali21tali21 Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Hello guys!!!

    One of the most action-packed game modes so far!!!
    If you like TDM you'll definitely love this mode!
    So far not any lags. I notice a bug where some kills goes
    toward "revenge your panter" achievement without playing with my partner, but not
    any other major bugs so far.

  • xZoiixxZoiix Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Bom dia GMs no momento não encontrei quais quer tipo de problema no novo modo, mas na minha opinião vocês deveriam retirar a TW Knife do novo modo e do modo RM, pois ela da muita vantagem ao caçadores e acaba deixando a presa com muita desvantagem.
  • tali21tali21 Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Hello guys!

    One of the most action - packed game modes so far!
    If you like TDM you will definitely love this mode!
    So far not any lags or major bugs.
    One bug I noticed is that some kills registered to "revenge your partner"
    achievement without playing with my partner on those games.

  • imb3asttimb3astt Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Hello ! 
    The new game mode is great so far. Enjoyable to play, like every new game mode, is always fun and it gives the game more opportunity to keep the players stick to it and enjoy the game.Also the achievements are a great valuable reward for those who try out this new game mode. I would say is a bit hard to be understood by new players, because you just show out of nowhere and have to kill the others. And the role of hunter when you can see everyone for few seconds, just low it's fun . Because someone who is really good at the game and can see your position for a while .. can kill a new guy very easy .
    The Details page of players doesn't work. The kd, no of kills , deaths , playtime etc shows : 00:00 %
    No bug detected except the one which you have a short period of time after the match has finished , so you can kill the enemy if he is in front of you and you shoot.
    That's all I had .Ign: Tasty_
    Thank you 
  • johnm2206johnm2206 Posts: 13Member Beginner
    I have bin testing this new game mode out great idea and adding a claymore to the game 10 out of 10 love it the death streak and kill streak perks are a good idea the only thing i think needs changing is the reward system a box to 3 random people i think it would be a batter idea to have a reward for the top 3 players 
  • ThcMagikThcMagik Posts: 139Approved Member Trainee
    There is a issue guys with new style of sd mode, when u choose red or blue side and game is made for 6vs6 players after half match u have like 8 players on one side and 3 on other i think is a bug i will send ticket with video to support too. Thank You
  • johnm2206johnm2206 Posts: 13Member Beginner
    I have bin asking if there will be putting more rounds back into sd but as none of the gms are giving me an answer and all being keep saying post feed back post feed back post feed back i dont want to fucking post feed back just give me a answer 

    Putting the sd to first to 7 rounds is so stupid the real question to ask is how much crack had you consumed before doing this update ?? i should not even be saying how bad of a change this is just use your brain and look at the game there is 3-4 max sd rooms you get in to a match play 3-4 round with 2-3 people max y it fills up then play3-4 with a full lobby then at the end of the game all the shit players leave and you start again 3-4 round with 2-3 people max y it fills up i all ways quit this game and all ways come back i love this game you all ways do retarded updates like this shit claymore awesome idea only getting it from playing f4a retarded idea your forcing people to play a game mode many people don't like FFA but some do putting it in the game was a great idea forcing people to play it stupid idea you would think with the player base being so low for the last 6 years you would at some point think maybe we are doing some thing wrong 

  • killdrogekilldroge Posts: 8Member Beginner
    edited April 2017
    I have been playing this game for a long time now. I think this update is one of the best updates since a year now. The new Barett Omega seemed to be a One-Hit sniper, but only does one-hit with a chance of 30 %, which is very good compared to MSR Omega/Phönix. 
    The new Mode FFA is very nice, I used to play it often in other games, so I like it that you invented it in BS now. Especially creating a new Map for this Mode (No Mercy) has been a very good idea. As I see in the lobbies many players seem to like this new mode. I am excited to experience the announced "parachute mode" in near future if its as good as this new mode is. 
    Selling the new grenade for BP is another nice part of fairness towards those players, who mostly play BP and not only cash for Goldbox.

    Talking about negative feedback or you could say suggestions:
    I think the changing of SD-Mode public to 7 rounds only does annoy about 90% of the community, so you should bring the older system back. I do understand that you want to invent the CW-Surroundings into public, but public is not equal to CW. You should have more freedom in creating your own room with self-choosen time and rounds (up to 15 or maybe even more??). 
    The new Clans System with the Weekly Quests somehow totally change the Clan System and I really love it, because now you can be awarded for playing CW and your Clan-Member get points. What I dont like about it, is the way to informed us about this new System. I read several Forum Posts of GMs/ DSH and the Clan Guide and Clan Event News, but none of them helped me to undestand how the new System exactly works. I dont know how the daily points for my Clan are counted....., what happens to Clan War Season 11 (March 17) with NX Glory Weapons...., How the Weekly Quests are connected to the Seasonal Ranks (Legend, Platinum etc.)? I hope you make more posts in order to explain this properly.
    One Suggestion for the future: You should take out the Throwing Knife in Clan-Wars, because it is very annoying to be one-hit my a BP Weapon, so that every player only walks with that knife. Every cw I play, all enemies rush with their THW and always make the first kills with it and nothing else....In public it doesnt matter, but I believe you can understand how much this affects Clan-War if everyone makes first kills with this Weapon -.-

    I hope I could give you some helpful suggestions and nice feedback.
    Thank you
  • johnm2206johnm2206 Posts: 13Member Beginner
    Killdroge i dont think they should brin back the old system for sd the new 1 is better the only bad thing is that it is best of 13 they should have all the the options back best of 13,17,21,25,29 you should beable to pick like you could before you dont even need all them options just have best of 13,21,29
  • imtheoimtheo Posts: 23Approved Member Beginner
    Bonjour à tous !
    J'ai joué une trentaine de partie et mon avis sur ce mode de jeu est mitigé il est amusant par certains point et redondant sur d'autres. 

    Pour les points négatifs je peux citer la communauté avec le nombre ahurissant de twc et la camp beaucoup trop présente et qui pourrai être réglé si c'est possible de façon que si un joueur tue sur les 10m² 3 ou 4 joueurs sur plusieurs minutes soit visible de tous ou possède des malus. De plus je trouve la claymore trop puissante si par exemple en mode mêlée a l'utilisation au corps à corps et qui explose tout de suite. Et pour terminer le défaut le plus important pour ma part, le respawn qui te mets au maximum possible à l'opposé de tes adversaires et parfois jusqu'à 30 secondes pour recroiser un ennemi, je ne trouve pas d'autres grand défaut sauf oublie de ma part.

    Les points positif sont également présent avec la présence des séries d'élimination ou de mort et de mort qui sont puissantes ( surtout pour la série de mort ) mais pas surpuissantes. 
    Il y a également la présence de claymore disponible pour tout ceux qui veulent la chercher et qui est quand même contrable si elle est placé à l'avance bien qu'elle tue facilement. Le jeu est dynamique au cœur de la mêlée et c'est le seul avantage du respawn car ont peu enchaîner une série d'élimination rapide sans être surchargé. La période chasseur/proie est très intéressante et intéressante et qui permet de chambouler l'équilibre du classement ce qui peut être frustrant pour le meneur du classement ou la personne qui est à l'opposé de la proie. 

    Pour améliorer encore plus le mode de jeu, il serait intéressant de donner une nouvelle arme puissante pour ceux qui atteigne une série d'élimination ou de mort supérieur à 10 ce qui laisserait plus de chance pour les joueurs moins expérimentés et une nouvelle expérience pour les meilleurs joueurs. J'aimerai également vous dire que la proie est trop facilement interprétable et qu'il lui faudrait une amélioration comme de la vitesse ou une augmentation de sa santé car elle peut se retrouver a 3 adversaires en même temps et ne possède que peu de chance de l'emporter.

    J'aimerai rajouté que la nouvelle mise à jour des clan war est plus que satisfaisante sauf pour les ligues ou il ne faut plus qu'être a 700 points pour devenir Legend et donc ce rang devient banal et n'est plus mérité. L'idée d'une récompense comme une carte goldbox A est très intéressante pour tout les joueurs car certains clan n'avait pas accès aux récompense comme les nx glory avec 2 joueurs par clan dans le top 10 et qui maintenant satisfait l'ensemble de la communauté. J'ai hâte de savoir quel cadeau réserve les prochaines semaine. 

    Merci d'avoir lu ce commentaire et d'y réagir si j'ai oublié oublier un point important, si j'ai été flou ou bien si vous n'êtes pas d'accord avec moi. Sur ceux bonne journée ou bonne soirée !
  • ThcMagikThcMagik Posts: 139Approved Member Trainee
    anyone get an yreward yet maybe ? i send very good ticket to support with bugs etc and here i post comment when u going to give a way this ak dragon Diabo ? have a nice day
  • DIABO_GameMastersDIABO_GameMasters Posts: 1,325BS DSH Professional
    Hello everyone,

    First of all we would like to thank everyone for sharing their feedback with us.

    It is extremely important to us to get a better idea of not only what you liked and disliked but also the best way for us to know what can be improved in the future.

    Concerning the rewards, we will soon announce them here.

    Thank you all once again and keep the feedback and suggestions coming!

    Have a nice day and have fun in game!

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  • Oldtoby88Oldtoby88 Posts: 25Approved Member Beginner
    edited April 2017
    The New Update & FFA mode is a big step in the right direction including adding new default weapons like the SCAR, HK416, M4 Super 90 & MP7 great idea; but still have a ways to go & fixes to make. 

    Some of the issues I've noticed & well not noticed that should have been addressed are...

    Should be allowed to pick what map we wont to play in FFA rather then Random.

    Doesn't appear that the Map boost in FFA is working properly.

    Ping isn't displayed in FFA mode.

    Able to make kills in FFA a few seconds after the match ends.

    Only the top 3 players scores in FFA are displayed & your own if your not top 3, everyones scores should be displayed.

    M16A1 & MP5 should be added back as default weapons so the master of default  achievements can be completed by new players or those who have yet to do so.

    Remove or Fix the Throwing Knife it's way to OP especially when so many players lead with this as there 1st shot weapon & come on you wont even allow it to be used in your "King of Thrones" event what does that clearly tell all of us.  
    "✪ Event Rules:

    ▪  Only default characters are allowed (Rayne, Mantis, etc.. are not allowed);

    ▪  All weapons and gears are allowed except throwing knife;" <---- Sounds like it's time to remove it.

    Please Fix the SR2 Versek Tuning & bring back a fixed SR2 Versek Basic like we were all told would be done. This way we can complete the SR2 Versek Basic achievements & we can finally stop hearing high rank players from top tier clans cry about other players being "noob" for using a weapon that the game allows to be used in the SR2 Versek Tuning that was rewarded to us for completing certain achievements. 
    If your some high rank "bad@55" don't complain about other players using the SR2 complain that it needs to be fixed or removed from the game completely including from being rewarded for completed achievements.

    Same goes for the Socom M1A Basic & Tuning as well fix it or remove it completely.

    Now that certain Achievements are null & void with the inclusion of the new default weapons SCAR & M4 Super 90 the reward for these achievements should be changed. Same goes for if the weapons like the SR2 & Socom if they are removed they should also be replaced from said completed achievements that reward them.

    Last thing I can think of is the Random FFA reward this should be changed so that only the top 3 or players that completed one of the in game FFA achievements be rewarded rather then random players be picked to get them.

    IGN: Blacklotu5
    NAFC Clan Master
    California, USA

  • ThcMagikThcMagik Posts: 139Approved Member Trainee
    Thank You Blackshot Team for ak dragon project nice reward Have a nice day :D
  • Oldtoby88Oldtoby88 Posts: 25Approved Member Beginner
    Did you even read what I stated RavenR ? 

    Thought I made it clear they should either fix or get rid of said OP weapons like THW Knife, sr2 & m1. As for the dragon idk but the omega well most Sniper Rifles in any game are 1 shot kill weapons now if they are 1 shot kill weapons vs players using sniper rifle armor & extra hp then something is wrong. 

    Bring back the Quick Hands gear, the current options for gloves is very limited & doesn't take into account at all really bp players who don't want to use Multi Weapon that slows you down by 3% & another that is only useful when using SMG's. 

    Allow Spectator mode, that way you can watch other players to see if they may be hacking or not & also would detour those who do from using hacks in the event they some one may be watching & recording their view. It'd also help clans keep an eye on their players or any potential recruits that apply to join to make sure if they are clean or not.

    Allow people to be able to see other players user info, add them as a friend & some how keep in contact with them while offline if needed. This is an essential thing to Clans when players apply but can't seem to catch them while online before they figure your ignoring them & move on. Just being able to see a players name & K/D Ratio doesn't help in deciding to accept or deny new clan applicants. 

    Spawn protection needs to desperately be fixed to where if a player with spawn protection fire's their weapon they lose spawn protection. In numerous occasion I run into players with spawn protection still on & I have to wait to be able to shoot & kill them until their spawn protection turns off all while they can shoot & kill me while invincible. This is in no way fair at all especially in game modes like FFA, RM, TDM & TFM.

    IGN: Blacklotu5
    NAFC Clan Master
    California, USA

  • Tromis99Tromis99 Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Sehr geiles Spiel . Nur das Wurfmesser ist meiner Meinung nach ein bisschen zu over powered.
  • glubokijglubokij Posts: 48Approved Member Beginner
    In general:

    + Added a new mode is nice and the new map is cool as well.

    + Added a new grenade and mine that are cool.

    - I've noticed that yesterday BS server have been working in 2-3 tic mode.  Unplayable. 

    - People are still teleporting in game and BS does not kick them out.  It's not right to be killed by people you do not even see.

    - New SD mode is disgusting.  I do not understand why the old one has been removed.  There should be a chance to change the mode between the regular and 13R.

    - Aimbots still up there.

    - UBA achievement does not work since it has been released.

    - The advanced gear and armor system that BS has is still useless while MSR Omega kills with 1 shot everyone.

    - SR2 and M1 guns are way too OP because of people using them with macro (that still is not detectable)

    - You did not mention it, but you have decreased the amount of XP people receive in general.

  • Avi1298Avi1298 Posts: 12Approved Member Beginner
    edited April 2017
    CS 72 Bug Or Problem

    1:That Best of 13  have a lot of bug
    BUG:"When a player enter in the game it change your side and make the team unbalance
     if u enter the game in the middle of the team channing you will enter the stay on the same team  when you were suppose to be red side when it changing

    Example of Bug:  2:You are starting the match on blue side in the middle of changing side when u enter the team is changing you will stay on the blue side when you were suppose to be on red side

    3: When you change side  (if u enter blue team side  when changing side your clothes colour still stay blue
    when it should be no colour  and the opposite team which was red team become blue team still have that red colour on their character

    2:Bring back the Old SD. You can put the Old SD Type and the New SD
         Blackshot  was gold with that OLD SD Mode
    3:Since CS72 You get 2 shot in leg or body you are dead even if your medkit is running at same time with ur 100 hp  still 2 hit dead

    4:Gaming Lagging
       Due to CS72 Update there is a lot of lag in the game "You can spray  a lot a player he can hit you 2 bullet you are dead, also player teleporting

    5:For FFA We could atleast choose our map

    6: Just Bring the old SD Mode  Make the game like it was before CS 72 i mean no lag no teleporting and no 2 hit dead
    Play For Fun
    Stay Clean
    Stay Awesome 

  • TheChaosTheChaos Posts: 12Approved Member Beginner
    My Feedback

    The new function on SD is very buggy and need more 
    optimization. #BestOf13
    Suggestion for SD:
    They have a  
    selection of rounds:
    Example:   - Best of 13
                    - 5 rounds
    - 9 rounds
            - 12 rounds

    BLACKSHOT PLS FIX all little Bugs and Problems in Bs. This is not more funny
    then maps are to buggy or they can not enter the our cw room than they lost the connection.

    * or to add more Bp Content ( old bp content is missing too)

    * or the hitboxes are also extremly buggy. ( Example: Than you shoot a body you can give Headshot ... ) 

This discussion has been closed.