Remove voting for ffa

UchItachiUchItachi Posts: 12Member Beginner
Well let me explain you in this way. When we play team death match or any game type where we have team, we usually get support from teammates and they don't let anyone to kick you from the game for no reason. But for ffa it is completely different. I am almost getting kicked from game every single game because I start the game ahead with difference in score. For ffa it is quite easy for everyone to press f11 because noone need any other player who is really good or kills a lot. And nobody supports you here because all play for himself/herself. Basicaly I have seen almost 70% of game player on the 1-st place get kicked because no one likes him. I suggest to remove kicking function(f12) from game. I actually offer to remove it from entire game because recently it isn't possible to kick cheaters at all. Btw Players kick normal gamers rather than cheaters


  • UchItachiUchItachi Posts: 12Member Beginner
    I would describe it with more relevant word but I guess it isn't right place
  • ELKO_GameMastersELKO_GameMasters Posts: 831BS DSH Intermediate

    What about if you have a hacker in your match ?
    if you have any problem Send us a ticket

  • UchItachiUchItachi Posts: 12Member Beginner
    well, recently when there is hacker they use some kind of program that spams voting and we can't even vote for hacker. btw 2 months ago when all of the rooms were full of hackers, I noticed that no-one was really kicking hackers in their team. although everyone was aware of this situation, we weren't able to kick those hackers. I understand that it is issue about players we play with. we can't choose players but we can determine rules. I would love to see a new system for voting. small example f12(vote for no) doesn't really do anything 
  • MrDeyveeNMrDeyveeN Posts: 419Approved Member Intermediate
    Quoted from @Uchltachi : "I would love to see a new system for voting."

    Check this link buddy !
    Stopped playing because of Blackshot Revolution.
  • UchItachiUchItachi Posts: 12Member Beginner
    dude, I started the game and after less than I minute I got kicked. I didn't even kill somebody. how the hell? who the hell decided that I am a cheater and kicked me. and how the hell everyone approved that?
    That is hilarious. I don;t know what these people use instead of head. 
  • Noxy_634Noxy_634 Posts: 16Approved Member Beginner
    edited April 2017
    I don't see the point of removing the kicking system in FFA. I understand what you explained, but as long as this game is full of hackers, this suggestion can't be taken seriously. We definitely need a new voting system, because the actual one is useless (and before it was worse, trust me).

    Well, even if it's crude, Ravenr is right, this community is not the best. A lot of them hack/use macros, a lot of them pay and over-feed the pay-2-win game that Vertigo is playing...
    We can say that this community is pretty selfish and only serve his own interest... unfortunately. But is wasn't the case few years ago. Blackshot used to be a great game, pretty fair, with a nice and active community.

    Anyway, as long as Blackshot is living, there's hope :)

  • Menta_GameMastersMenta_GameMasters Posts: 304BS GM Intermediate
    edited April 2017
    Hello UchItachi,

    First of all, my apologies for the delayed answer to your topic, that being said, you need to be aware of a certain point:

    To actually kick a player in game you will need
    "the majority" of players accepting that vote, and by majority i mean that even if the whole opposing team (in 8v8 SD for example) votes against you, you will still not be kicked unless at least 2 players from your own team votes against you. Now for the FFA, it's the same, as you will need (In a match of 10 players for example) to have 7 players or more voting against you.

    So even with a new system, you won't be able to fulfill more justice than the current one, even though we get a lot of complaints of people getting kicked as you mentioned, it's rather unrealistic to have a system that still enables "fair players" to kick cheaters/abusers/flamers when necessary and at the same time avoid innocent players being kicked for nothing. Think about that for a minute.

    Now for a solution, i always recommend players to try to play with friends, Clan mates or people they know that wouldn't accept voting against an innocent player (There are actually some players like that, not all unfortunately, but some).

    I hope that would help you!

    See you in game!

    Kind regards,
  • UchItachiUchItachi Posts: 12Member Beginner
    I understand your suggestion but I can't always find someone who wants to play exactly the same type of game. 
    But One thing is for sure that we aren't supposed to deal with hackers(anti-hack should) and actually no-one can say if someone is using macro by playing in front of his computer. If there isn't a fire rate alteration with weapon like(Socom) you can't say that someone is using macro. Because it is all about control of your weapon and that is what makes us different from all the other players. but no everyone is smart enough to say that I am macro or cheater and kick me right away. Btw it is more dangerous to play against 3-4 members of clans in public because they are prone to kick players more often. I am pretty sure that my post will not change anything  but please think about it sometime. You are Gms. Open an ordinary account try to use your skills there and you will see how annoying is it to get kicked from half of the games

  • DIABO_GameMastersDIABO_GameMasters Posts: 1,325BS DSH Professional
    Hi UchItachi,

    Thank you for sharing your suggestion with us. We will forward it and it will be taken under consideration for future improvements.

    Regards, DSH-DIABO
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