Arms deals

maxitel1maxitel1 Posts: 0Member Beginner
Put guns in offers. Because the values are high


  • MrDeyveeNMrDeyveeN Posts: 419Approved Member Intermediate

    Could you be a little bit more specific please ?
    Stopped playing because of Blackshot Revolution.
  • Biz3pzBiz3pz Posts: 15Member Beginner
    Well, what I understand in his topic:

    '' Could vertigo put more discount weapons because the weapons are to expensive''

    Biz3pz the Sniper.
  • ELKO_GameMastersELKO_GameMasters Posts: 831BS DSH Intermediate
    Hello Max,

    Thank you for sharing this suggestion with us.

    We will forward it in our next meeting.
    if you have any problem Send us a ticket

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