[EVENT] Rise of the Monsters - FINISHED

DIABO_GameMastersDIABO_GameMasters Posts: 1,325BS DSH Professional
edited June 2017 Event
Hello soldiers,

Following your requests, the GM-Monsters are back and once again there will be blood, loads of blood!

✪ Event Period:

 19/05/17 to 09/06/17;

✪ Event Mechanics:

▪ From 19/05/17 to 09/06/17, every Friday the GM Team will create a room on the World Server at 19:00 CET and on the Brazil Server at 00:00 CET (19:00 Brazilian time) with the name [**EVENT**] Rise of the Monsters;

▪ We will announce the channel and also the password to the room and you need to try to join the room as fast as possible;

▪  We will have 1 GM-Monster on each team and you and your teammates need to join forces to defeat the opposite team and try to kill the GM-Monster to win some awesome exclusive BSC weapons;

✪ Event Settings:

▪  Servers: World at 19:00 CET &  00:00 CET (19:00 Brazilian time);

▪  Match
: TDM, 8 vs 8 players and 15 minutes;

✪ Event Rules:

▪  Only Default characters are allowed (Rayne, Mantis, Travis II, etc. are not allowed);

▪  All weapons and gears are allowed except Throwing Knife;

▪  Each player (ID) can only participate once per week;

▪  Any type of violation of the event rules or any disruption during the event will lead into a block from all in game events promoted by the GM Team and may also lead to a account block (temporary or permanent);

✪ Event Rewards:

▪  If you kill a GM-Monster you will receive a Random BSC weapon for 30 days;

▪  If your team wins you will receive a Random BSC weapon for 3 days;

▪  All participants will win a Random BSC weapon for 1 day;

Let the Games begin!

Team BlackShot
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