[Update] GM Application Inquiry 2017-06-26

MuziqVertMuziqVert Posts: 31Admin, BS GM Beginner
edited June 2017 English
Hi everyone,

Applications for War Rock Game Master are now closed.
Since we have received many applications and can’t accept all of you, we will now dedicate time to go through them to find the most suitable participants who will demonstrate professionalis and maturity of judgement.

If you have been shortlisted, one of our staff will send you an email to schedule an interview within the next 24 hours.
The final results will be posted here, on the forum.
Once again, thank you very much for showing so much interest for War Rock and your willingness to help your gaming community grow.
Good luck!

War Rock Admin Team


We are surprised by how many players have contacted us to offer their service, and we are very grateful for that but we want to make sure players are contacting us with through the proper channels.

However, in order to provide the best quality service to the gaming community, we will only be able to accept a limited number of qualified individuals.

*The Game Master is a non-paying/volunteer position.
As our ideal candidate, you must:

- Be flexible and reliable with scheduling. (We run a 24/7 operation)
- Be able to speak English fluently.
- Be at least 18 years old
- Have a good gaming knowledge

If you meet these requirements, please send an e-mail to support@warrockonline.com with the following information:

1. Your full name:
2. Your Nexon ID:
3. Your WarRock character name:
4. How long have you played War Rock?
5. Have you ever been banned from War Rock? Explain what happened.
6. Your native language. Additional languages
7. Your nationality:
8. A quick description explaining why you would be a good addition to the admin team.
9. Have you worked or volunteered in the gaming industry?

Thank you in advance for your response and please share this link with your fellow WR community: www.warrockonline.com
PonuryTheRedEyeKhongenv0nndutchlevel01RagnarWRjpastranamxCorvantesedwin1982xxx7vpoxxxand 1 other.


  • PonuryPonury Posts: 219Member Trainee
    edited May 2017
    Good luck to everyone :)
    Lets make this game great again.
    Playing War Rock since 04/2007
  • TheRedEyeTheRedEye Posts: 36Member Beginner
    edited July 2017
    Good idea.
  • KhongenKhongen Posts: 20Member Beginner
    Seems like a good idea, hopefully it will be dedicated community members that is going to take part in this, them of all should know the most. 

  • ToomJDToomJD Posts: 6Member Beginner
    I'm sure they will pick wisely! Good luck!
  • p0wner1180p0wner1180 Posts: 451Member Intermediate
    Who will be the Head GM?
  • v0nndutchv0nndutch Posts: 652Member Intermediate
    They'll probably have a Admin from PP/VG as Head GM.
    WarRock Beta Player since 2006!
  • DragonForceWRDragonForceWR Posts: 520Member Intermediate
    Good Luck Guys :)
    & Congrats to the Future GM's :)

    I rly hope they will choose the right Guys. WR cant take more careless Admins...
  • v0nndutchv0nndutch Posts: 652Member Intermediate
    @DragonForceWR - I completely agree last year or so haven't really seen the HomeGM's Active so its been a real let down but lets face it Nexon new months upon months ago what was going to happen to the game and that's why they sold so much and let the game just die and giving us worthless updates. :(

    Goodluck to all GM's who Apply :-)
    WarRock Beta Player since 2006!
  • RagnarWRRagnarWR Posts: 2Member Beginner
    Although I am not sure if i will come back to actively play this game, I
    really like this incentive. I am certain that this, in addition to a
    possible discord server with an online admin will mean a lot for the
    community. Best of luck with running this game and its interesting

    (why can I not post this?)
  • v0nndutchv0nndutch Posts: 652Member Intermediate
    Completely agree @RagnarWR, will make players happy as they won't have to wait months for a reply to a support ticket like the current situation.

    Haven't seen any active GMs lately which is a real let down from the current Publisher
    WarRock Beta Player since 2006!
  • PonuryPonury Posts: 219Member Trainee
    edited May 2017
    Last time I have seen active GM was 1 year ago :d
    They dropped us completely 2 months ago(except Ernesto, but he talked only on Turkish forum).
    Playing War Rock since 04/2007
  • xSvenjaxxSvenjax Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Please dont recruit ingame players as Admins. It's a disaster here is one of the example:

  • NitrouZWRNitrouZWR Posts: 188Member Trainee
    Good luck bros!
    www.bmeclan.eu - play fair, have fun!
  • v0nndutchv0nndutch Posts: 652Member Intermediate
    @SvenJax it's only a disaster if they don't know what they're doing and abuse powers.
    WarRock Beta Player since 2006!
  • PonuryPonury Posts: 219Member Trainee
    I agree with @v0nndutch
    And if someone will abuse his rights he will not be GM for long.
    Playing War Rock since 04/2007
  • DragonForceWRDragonForceWR Posts: 520Member Intermediate
    Hope so.
  • Muse01Muse01 Posts: 134Member Trainee
    Funny times will be come for the boys or girls who get the job.
    I know it from the past. :)

  • v0nndutchv0nndutch Posts: 652Member Intermediate
    @Muse01 What do you mean 'Funny Times'. PapayaPlay cannot afford to hire "boys and girls", they need mature staff who can understand what there job actually entails and to work with both PP and the Community.
    WarRock Beta Player since 2006!
  • Muse01Muse01 Posts: 134Member Trainee
    edited May 2017
    Actually, it is simply v0nndutch,
    the GMs get new Accs for the work it does not take long time until they are
    unmasked and their old/normal account names are out there.

    If they keep their old account, it's immediately out and then start the Funny Times. :)
    Envy and disgrace, accusations are still the harmless things.

    You're right we need mature GMs.
    But they are still boys or/and girls. :)


  • DragonForceWRDragonForceWR Posts: 520Member Intermediate
    edited May 2017
    @Muse01 (unten auf Deutsch) you Miss understood the GM System of Papaya Play. If you would get GM your Muse01 Acc would gain the GM rank. Your new Ingame name would be "[GM]Muse01". Thats how it done in BlackShot. I guess they wont change the System just for WarRock.

    Muse du hast das GM System von PapayaPlay glaube ich etwas Falsch verstanden. Wenn du z.b. GM werden würdest würde aus deinem Muse01 dann [GM]Muse01. Es ist ein Rang der vergeben wird. Kein neuer ACC. So zumindest in BlackShot der Fall. Warum sollten sie es also in WR anderst machen ?

  • p0wner1180p0wner1180 Posts: 451Member Intermediate
    @DragonForceWR I don't really think they are gonna do that at WarRock, at least I hope so. It would be better if they get a special GM account for the future admins. For example, if [random player] accuses me of hacking on his private account even before he or she became an admin at Vertigo, that would be pretty unfair because I can assure you that this particular GM will try to bann me no matter what.

    So what Vertigo and those future GM's need to do is keep their identity secret so nobody is gonna know their private accounts. If they do this, you won't get stuff like at Nexon, were some GM's support hacker clans because they are in that clan on their private account. Or if you have a word exchange with some GM on their private account and you get kicked from the server or even get a ban later on because they abuse admin rights. This is something we have to prevent.
  • SpirittSpiritt Posts: 42Member Beginner
    I think we just need beta players as admins that are mature. The beta players probably know the game best plus if they are beta players most likely they are going to be 21+ and a little more mature than a random 2015 player. I kind of like the idea of having the Rank GM on your private account, but I also agree with having a special account for your GM position. Whatever they decide will work out. 
  • v0nndutchv0nndutch Posts: 652Member Intermediate
    @spiritt I completely agree we need people who know the game, are mature and has people skills.

    Personally a private GM account would work better in every way, maybe on your own account could work. Unless you have a name change on your private account and then have the GM Status so nobody knows who you are.
    WarRock Beta Player since 2006!
  • DragonForceWRDragonForceWR Posts: 520Member Intermediate
    It doesnt matters if its a New Acc or just the Old Acc with RankUp. Every carefull Player should know that if he would handle it like you discriped (Try to Ban other or Support Cheat Clans) "GM" wouldnt be the right Job for him.

    As i already mentioned
    We need GM's careing for this Game. Player loving to do this Job (to Save this Game)
    If we get such GM's it just doest matters if its just a RankUp or New Acc.

    + If it would be a New Acc, what do you think how long will this stay secret? Remember the old GM's. 90% of the Community will try to find out once again till its done.

    +Its much easyer with a Ranked UP Main Acc. I guess no one likes to Play 2 or 3 Accs @ Once. Or do you think someone will stay all Day in his GM Acc while he could Play with his Main Acc (and all the Stuff @ that Acc).
    With a Ranked UP Main Acc, you dont need to relog, your able to Play normaly, you are able to support others AND YOU GOT MORE TIME FOR SUPPORTING EVERYONE. Just because of the reason that you are @ your Main Acc.

    The OLD GM's made it like this:
    - Online at GM Acc
    - Support 20 Minutes or Start a Event
    - Logout
    - Login Main Acc
    - Play as usual.

    I personaly hope for a RankUP.
  • v0nndutchv0nndutch Posts: 652Member Intermediate
    @DragonForceWR I couldn't agree more. But the other way I see it is that at least if you're on your own personal account you can "spy" on players because you and me know if a admin is present 98% of the community will change there approach to players.

    If I or you was a GM it would be silly to advertise it to other players as personally it should be kept a secret in some respect as you can do a lot of things if people don't know your private account, hence catching players.
    WarRock Beta Player since 2006!
  • DragonForceWRDragonForceWR Posts: 520Member Intermediate
    edited May 2017
    That is an argument! BUT if you play like 4 hours a Day on your 'Ranked UP' Main Acc, every single Room you join will be save (less cry, cheaters will leave or stop)
    Harder to catch cheaters for sure BUT still supporting the Comunity with 'Save' Matches. And i guess there will be more active Admins compared to Nexon. Its like 3-5 (or more?) Admins Hoping from Match to Match (normal Playing)and creating save matches that way. Oh and we are still able to create a new Acc to Spy for cheaters.
  • v0nndutchv0nndutch Posts: 652Member Intermediate
    True, I believe either way has both advantages and disadvantages, only time will tell.
    WarRock Beta Player since 2006!
  • Mrterr0rMrterr0r Posts: 244Member Trainee
    edited May 2017
    I be a battlegroup GM without hiding my name. 

    But only if i could gain the powers to allow extra dina, xp and issue rewards in created rooms for players who choose to play.

    Run Friday and Saturday nights. and if popular increased to weekdays.

    • 41+ level only 
    • Next map vote after game ends. 
    • Map rotation, 
    • No map played back 2 back.
    • Option to limit weapons 1-4 only 1-5 only every weapon etc, Classes and vehicle gameplay Ie no flying on Pargon east, or tanks on ohara etc You know play for fun. 
    • Once in game no F2 chatter! No accusations, No flaming, Just no talk between teams.
    • No team stacking... Clans must have even numbers of members on both sides with 2+ members in room. So 2 can be niu, but 3rd and 4th members must join derb. Then a +1 to each team. Non clan able to choose sides. 
    • Only able to rejoin to even teams up. 
    • No spawn point killing, no one to be inside enemy main base if all bases are captured. << asked once to stop, 2nd time kicked. Keep your distance. But with two even teams this should not be an issue. 

    Aha who am i kidding. Having extra Gms wont effect the game at all. 

    Beta then 2007-2020
  • v0nndutchv0nndutch Posts: 652Member Intermediate
    @Mrterr0r I can't see half of them rules working as players struggle to listen in a 8vs8 CQC match when events use to happen. haha
    WarRock Beta Player since 2006!
  • BadMeetzEvilBadMeetzEvil Posts: 265Member Intermediate
    I hope the new company will make the right choice about this topic. I wish you good luck, except unfair players.
    BME TeamSpeak3 Server IP : ts.bmeclan.eu
    BME Clan Web-Site : bmeclan.eu
    BME Discord Server : discord.gg/wP5YCt6
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