[Update] GM Application Inquiry 2017-06-26



  • SirJuxSirJux Posts: 64Member Beginner
    yup, community today is one of the worst at war rock. Some players tank camp 220 kills 0 deaths at skillpointer, others stack 112-12 score with apachies. Then there are those who call their own clan to enemy team, just to kick out good players they are struggling against. Im not even going to mention the regular hackers and ovc-ers. With them its loud and clear. Its the low players who abuse the games flaws in every possible (legal) way - thus pushing victims leaning towards using either same low methods OR just going all out hacks.

    Even I have used low methods against garbage players. Although my attempts to gain justice didn't even hit a dent into laming losers because there are 100x more of them than there are players like me. And BOY how fast did they start to complain when used their own methods against themselves :D

    its not whether you win the game or not, its HOW you win it. And against who.
  • YallentinsYallentins Posts: 6Member Beginner
    Some GM's already picked?

    Good luck to all applicants
  • ayvigamingayvigaming Posts: 22Member Beginner
    New era. <3
    Be fair, play fair. - War Rock player since: Jul 18, 2006
  • PonuryPonury Posts: 219Member Trainee
    They will be picking new GM's on 12 July
    Playing War Rock since 04/2007
  • edwin1982edwin1982 Posts: 3Member Beginner
    Selecting existing players as admins and GMS would make this game more partial. Players would be banned for silly reasons. Please be careful while selecting such players as admins as there is always dispute between Europe,America,Middle east, and Indian players which will complicate the matters. even if you have a hierarchy in place, A specific person would have to sit and review if the banns are appropriate or not which would further increase the work.

  • v0nndutchv0nndutch Posts: 652Member Intermediate
    @edwin1982, I completely agree. They just need to choose wisely and maybe pick the 'older generation' and these people who haven't learnt respect and how to control there anger.
    WarRock Beta Player since 2006!
  • edwin1982edwin1982 Posts: 3Member Beginner
    @V0nndutch - Absolutely the old schoolers would be the best choice as admins or gms who can show some patience and with experience which will improve this game.

    Thanks :) 
  • v0nndutchv0nndutch Posts: 652Member Intermediate
    Exactly. We can only hope and wish :-)
    WarRock Beta Player since 2006!
  • v0nndutchv0nndutch Posts: 652Member Intermediate
    It seems they're choosing GM's this week. Wish you all goodluck if you received an email :-).
    WarRock Beta Player since 2006!
  • o00oo0oo00oo00oo0oo00o Posts: 10Member Beginner
    +1 for Killingtime


    Dont forget the costume's if you are talking about weaponbalance ~

  • wr5846wr5846 Posts: 22Member Beginner
    These users have been banned from playing forever and have had their second chance to change instead they have not complied with the rules here you are the warrock players forbidden.


This discussion has been closed.