Issues that Vertigo can change or "fix"

KhongenKhongen Posts: 20Member Beginner
edited May 2017 English
I think a good idea is to make a combined list of issues that is current, or wishes that the community have, in that case, I've managed to make a google analytics. I will update this thread with a combined list regularly. 
I do not know whether it shows "Other" as "Andet" for you, but that's the danish word for "Other" if you're wondering.

Kind regards,

**Remember to add a "hot-fix" to the issue if possible and explain in as much detail as possible what the problem is.

Letter currently looks like this:

Hi Vertigo Games,
We, the community have made a list of current issues we’re facing and changes that we would like considered when you take over the game in July.

I have made 4 different types so that you can see which issues or “wishes” correspond where.

1.1 Game related

Add a “mineground” to the homebases for the opposing teams (like in the map Death Hill) to prevent spawn camping. (BG)

Unbalanced weapons, could look at WarRock korea and update it.

1.2 Community related

Active staff and reliable and punishing systems, fx. toxicity is a big problem and should be punishable.

Events and community “missions”.

1.3 Technical related

Cheating with 3rd party programs, could be fixed with battleeye.

Overclocking problems, Lith has made an in-depth illustration on how you could fix this issue here

Lag warping, could be fixed with battleeye or better servers than nexon.

1.4 Other

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