Lies lies and lies

auranekoauraneko Posts: 9Member Beginner
That "wrong" account package is nothing but a lie.

My main was ALWAYS stronger than subclass i didn't get my correct tier PLUS didn't get any of welcome packages such as Quest Reward Book and King Leo who made me do twice effort to levelup.

How do you guys plan to make up for that?



  • zalxionzalxion Posts: 6Member Beginner
    Okay first, you need to calm down. Stop crying the game was just launched and this is definitely the worst way to get anyone's attention. They also have a forum post already addressing this issue with the packages. They are aware and your impatience makes no one want to care. Geez can't believe how quick you are to start with a whiny comment on day 2. Do you usually break down and cry when things don't go your way? How do you plan to go through life like that? Grow up.
  • auranekoauraneko Posts: 9Member Beginner
    Crying? Does your mom knows you're awake after 21?

    First of all: An official announcement regarding the issue has nothing to do with my situation, and even so i didn't received any of the tiers, plus, didn't received the welcome package.

    "Already addressing this issue" do you know how to read? My problem has nothing to do with wrong package cuz i didn't received anything to begin with. I received a randonic amount of items on the very beggining with a tittle, an way point and some pots to say that i didn't got anything, who does not match any tier or welcome package.

    I don't want to players care about it, that's why i posted on tech sup and not on General.

    Easy for you to say, you're not the one getting half quest rewards including Ely, Exp ang GP.

    If there are no complaint, for them it's all OK. If you like to live under a rock shivering of the outside world that's your problem not mine. Buy yourself a Worm Suit and search for a garden.

    As long as there something wrong i will always be the first to point.

    Alas, today is July 1 and not received anything yet even with a announcement saying they would fix it on 29.
  • ClavesClaves Posts: 84Member Beginner
    Funny how people seek help and aid with a negative attitude, id say you should rot no items for you :^)

    Not to mention besides the broken english, or the Heavy derailing/wandering off  your own topic, its kinda funny -
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  • auranekoauraneko Posts: 9Member Beginner
    Negative or not, i'm still right. But can't say about ppl cursing.

    My english is bothering you? There's a quick solution for that a phenomenon of all humanity called: "Mind your on business". 
    Other than that an guy over 25 posting with Violet is something to be worried about.
  • ClavesClaves Posts: 84Member Beginner
    edited July 2017
    Time to gut this poor soul-
    Funny how you say:" mind your own business"

    when you're posting on a PUBLIC ONLINE FORUM , in a TECH SUPPORT SECTION.
    And if you didn't know the point of this section is to seek help from other players/ staff members that could possible assist with fixing the issue.

    Correction this is Orchid closely, violet is more darker toned based. you apparently dont know colors either 
    VIOLET is a darker purple in some cases in other forms its pastel ~
    Y o u   p l a y e d   y o u r s e l f 

    that was a cute one , do another  ^_^)/

    Grammatical fixes:

     use the word A not A(n). It makes you look ever so slightly more  capable of comprehension.

    and what does Sex Disposition have anything to do with the discussion at hand, or the fact that your English is atrocious? Oh right NOTHING.

    Keep assuming age/gender you're still getting slammed by a lady ~
    and look at a color wheel for once while you're at it :< 
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  • GabiezGabiez Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Lol, OP took an L. rest in pieces?

     Like the other guys said before you got dragged and read for filth, give the staff some time to find a resolution server is under a week old tbh. no need to get upset and
    Askew about it 
  • auranekoauraneko Posts: 9Member Beginner
    *Facepalm* Sigh... Lemme give some advices for you:

    1. Don't use obviously dual account to troll people.

    2. "Ladies" don't mock people on online forums or curse random people out of nowhere, unless they really hate that one, main point i don't even know you plus don't care. And only do "cute" stuff for people they have a high affection or care a lot about. For example, you don't see girls and woman jumping around cute stuff, unless they're paid for it. 
    Don't use colorful handwriting unless they're really young, main point that is pointless plus painful.

    3. Don't impersonate girls seeking attention or money, it's just... wrong really.

    Plus, some good soul taught me how to use the ticket system, so byebye genderless.


  • MonushaMonusha Posts: 27Member Beginner
    You're so mad over in game items, chill.  o wo;;
    my dong enragement child
  • DevilukyDeviluky Posts: 2Member Beginner
    edited July 2017
    You have every right to be angry. I'd freaking out if this happened to me.
    It's one thing to be angry, it's another thing to choose anger instead of respect. 

    PS: It wasn't just for you @auraneko
  • ClavesClaves Posts: 84Member Beginner

    Nice accusation of dual accounts, its kinda cute for some one with desperation and lack of respect. ~

    Also are you trying to say that females dont/ shouldnt have any say or no right to defend themselves, or be witty for that matter period? Also curse? since when did i use profanity :)?

    its kinda funny id never thought i run into a sexist toddler on an online game, do you kiss your mother with that mouth ? 

    and are you also saying i cant use a color ( may i note you have no clue what shade it is) that correlated with my current outfit on OGP/ my favourite shade of purple? Who are you, oh right some whining crybaby upset and mad because he didnt get what he wanted, not to mention created a topic in Tech support titled: "Lies, Lies and Lies." Then tells people to mind their own business on a public forum/tech section. Not to mention didnt know how to use an already simplified ticket system for that matter-

    maybe most of the feminine/female figures in your life are submissive and passive, but im certainly not. Loose the attitude thanks.

    also as the good bystander Gab said: " OP took and L"

     and here is another ;) 

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