Item Drop Rate??

ChymerChymer Posts: 13Member Beginner
edited June 2017 General Discussion
So, as I have progressed through the game to level 200 I am starting to worry about Item Drop Rate (IDR) and how it will effect non- explorer line classes, and even some of those (gunslinger line). 

Even for something as simple as codex farming there are VERY noticeable differences in what I can farm- and how long it takes- compared to someone who is of the explorer line. [since they have idr passives and a bunch of luck.]

This is especially detrimental when it comes to doing dungeons in order to get certain gear components. [as the ratio of explorer to non explorer line classes endgame is a 2:23 ratio]

Normally I would not consider this an issue as you could compensate with idr holy waters or artifacts that would work over a long period of time- but the only idr that we receive through any of these events.... IS A ONE MINUTE BUFF.

I mostly wanted to know other peoples opinions on this, and start a healthy discussion regarding IDR.


  • bone16bone16 Posts: 75Member Beginner
    stop complaning.. its 2 days since they relaunched.. give them some time to do stuff.. its not magic.. programming or translating another programmers code takes time.
  • ChymerChymer Posts: 13Member Beginner
    edited June 2017
    @bones16 Pointing out something is not complaining-- especially when it could cause issues for a majority of the playerbase. It looks like you just read the title and decided to make a halfhearted post about what you assumed this topic would be about....
  • bone16bone16 Posts: 75Member Beginner

    no i actually read what u say.. and its a complain. IDR shouldnt be super widely accessable. that wil just make the game to easy. hence why its almost non 
  • DrunkenStallionDrunkenStallion Posts: 32Member Beginner
    I feel the same way. Granted I'm not 200 yet but I will be whenever I get home.

    Grinding exp is all fun and games but it fades away the higher you get as gear starts to take priority, none of us have hit the level cap but people will be starting to farm for good gear. People will be wanting to min/max themselves sooner or later (some have already started).

    I understand giving away free stuff makes it difficult for Papaya to generate income, you guys have to keep in mind this is a business, they need funds to keep the game running - but we the demand for IDR boosters will only increase with time, as more people will stop grinding and start focusing on farming.
    I think a few x2 IDR events and x2 exp events would be really useful for the community, it would take pressure off constantly providing players with EXP and IDR and will allow players to work together to farm for items, but yeah, some IDR boosters being thrown into circulation would be really beneficial. 

    But yeah, just my 2 cents. I think it's important to get our needs across but we should remain civil - way too many angry "WHY ISN'T EVERYTHING MY WAY? TTwTT"-esq posts. This isn't OGP, Papaya have been actively responding to us and communication has been good but you have to keep in mind this is a brand new game for them, they don't know the in's and out's, we have to help them understand our needs in a civil and respectable manner. 
  • JimboyCJ455JimboyCJ455 Posts: 63Member Beginner
    @bone16 OP has a point dude. Just because IDR MIGHT make the game easier, doesn't mean people have the time to invest in this game like they use to. Most people who started when the last server started wouldn't have that much time today. IDR wouldn't make the game easier, just more enjoyable in a shorter period of time.
    The truth about humanity is that no one can ever truly be alone. Don't be mean to others. You never know who they might be in the future, or how important they might become.
  • RubatinRubatin Posts: 33Member Beginner
    @bone16 Just curious, what level are you currently? Have you tried degos, odin, ymir, or sky yet? Have you attempted to farm any crafting materials? I'm genuinely curious on how much better you're faring than the rest of us to claim that IDR and prime xp aren't an issue.
  • CyrilicCyrilic Posts: 109Member Trainee
    Don't get me wrong, I too am not looking forward to low drops in the later game dungeons;

    Especially when I would run Odin back in the day and spent 4 days with none of my weapons dropping.... even with 500%+ IDR active.

    However, there's another dynamic that im sure Actoz is considering, that we as players don't usually notice, and that's how Item Drop Rate contributes to inflation. IDR benefits us when its used to actually farm items to be sold in the market, but it contributes to inflation when its used solely to farm drops to NPC for ely.

    IDR did in fact contribute to the hyperinflation on OGP; we need a way to get all of the good of IDR availability without its effect on inflation and that isn't a easy problem to tackle.
  • LoneProdigyLoneProdigy Posts: 0Member Beginner
    so many other ways of getting idr its ridiculous to even complain about have arts or holy waters. Yeah it maybe slow but you have to take into account that its been 2 days, Papaya is taking it slow but not too slow, they already started many people off with pets/stims/expboosts/etc.. Maybe they want to introduce Arts/Holywaters as a whole so the community can be informed on what they do(for new and old players). Having kept arts/holywaters in game would have also contradicted everything people were saying about P2W and how they want it less P2W.
  • ChymerChymer Posts: 13Member Beginner
    Cyrilic DrunkenStallion One thing I was thinking is that maybe they want players to party more often.

    By having no IDR it kind of forces you to play with other players to get what you want lategame, and I think that is good. 

    If that is the case though I would want them to make idr ineffective on things like monster cards ect because those are something everybody needs - and you cant trade -... forcing someone to play Windstalker just to collect cards easier seems like a bad idea....

    One of the main reason I brought up an issue like this is because papaya actually seems to read out threads, if nobody said anything about it =since they might not know themselves= it could possibly just go unnoticed.
  • BodaffBodaff Posts: 14Member Beginner
    from my experience running degos, ymir, bolly, etc, the reduced IDR is certainly noticeably but it's not a deal breaker

    Dungeons that give you gear directly in drops vs giving you gear through exchanges/crafting are still far faster progressing, regardless of Ithe status of DR. To me, this is clear indication that the game was balanced around the notion that you will typically have less than 300 IDR at any given time.
  • BehoimiBehoimi Posts: 48Member Beginner
    Getting back holy waters and idr pots will make the game to broke again, the best idea would be to change the succes rate of armor and weapon upgrades, that will not change the prices of pieces and the ely will stay the same.

    Getting the "Lucky hit" back would be a good idea to, cause it will make to people not dependable of soloing and be more dependable of party groups, just like old times, do your guys remember when the only idr pot was the "lucky hit" from RW?
  • ClavesClaves Posts: 84Member Beginner
    edited July 2017
    OP seems like you're complaining tbh, using the word "Detrimental" sounds like complaining to me.
    Due to if the situation is THAT bad you make it seem as if its the end of latale Lol? idk ~


    I agree with Bone tbh, just give them time, because once idr is here economy is going to shit :)
    ( same thing that happened to OGP i was there-)

    Then people are saying :" Most people who started when the last server started wouldn't have that much time today. IDR wouldn't make the game easier, just more enjoyable in a shorter period of time."- Jim Boy

    Im not sure if you're aware of the term:  Veterans but they will milk the hell out of this game just to get the upper hand, and to be fair the game is really enjoyable minus the drop rate ( which is ONLY situational in dungeons that you can legit steamroll with gear Not sure how steamrolling is fun it portrays to me as boring )

    not to mention, you seem like one of those snowflakes that complain the game is too hard, 
    Back in my day: we had to work for gear not have it handed to us on a silver platter with little to no effort, takes away the quality and experience of the game. ( please dont say otherwise because you literally said(paraphrasing): Convenience is more enjoyable than working for stuff

    No wonder developers are catering to snow flakes and your kind :< rip MMO's

    If Poopaya is following KLT, good because their server is in great standing economy wise, i say keep IDR out of Latale-
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  • JimboyCJ455JimboyCJ455 Posts: 63Member Beginner
    edited July 2017
    @Claves I apologize, I'm not that eloquent, but I don't think I got my point across. I mean to say that the people who played years ago really don't have that much time to play today due to life, work, etc. (I'm speaking for myself here). I wasn't really saying bring back IDR artifacts, but maybe the advanced (100% 1 hour) IDR pots? For the people who don't really have the time to play as much as they did before.

    Also, I'm sorry if I came off as spoiled, but they made the midgame so boring with the optimizations to questing and the such. I loved exploring Black Moon Castle, and the various areas of the game because there was stuff to do. Challenging Sphinx to get it's gear, not to sell but because the gear was decent, I enjoyed the challenge. Nowadays, the challenge is motivating yourself to grind out the levels to get to the challenge. I never really got to 200 on OGP. I remember doing the vanilla 4th job quests at floating city (because I only ever got there with 2 characters before the revamp) and the acomplishment you felt when you finished. I remember doing the original 3rd job quests at Xenedia. And the horror of the scrolls for subs. So please don't say that I don't appreciate the hardwork, I miss it. The hardwork made the wonder of the new jobs all the greater, because you can look back at the work you did and say: I did it.

    (Btw, the game is too easy right now. Especially at midgame, so when you hit the begining of endgame, the difficulty just kinda slaps you in the face.)
    The truth about humanity is that no one can ever truly be alone. Don't be mean to others. You never know who they might be in the future, or how important they might become.
  • JimboyCJ455JimboyCJ455 Posts: 63Member Beginner
    edited July 2017
    Ok, my brother and I brainstormed an idea to help with the lowered IDR: why doesn't papaya just increase the amount of clears you can do for the higher end dungeons? Most of the time you're restricted by the drops because you can only clear so many times a day. If they increase it, maybe just by a few runs, then wouldn't allow for slightly more drops? Then we wouldn't need that much IDR. Still wouldn't help the people with no time in the day to play, though...
    The truth about humanity is that no one can ever truly be alone. Don't be mean to others. You never know who they might be in the future, or how important they might become.
  • RubatinRubatin Posts: 33Member Beginner
    @Claves Have you even checked the shops lately? IDR contributes to inflation I won't deny that, but a few searches in the shops will tell you that prices are already so high on a lot of items that it's as if we never left OGP. To be honest, this whole "IDR ruins the economy" thing is sort of irrelevant when you look at how bad the economy is already. People are setting prices on items that are extremely high, and most players who purchase these items have little means of making money. I get that you're looking in the long term, but if Papaya wants to keep players in the now, then they should actually try to find a good sort of middle ground on the issue.

    As for your elitist bull, save it. Right now, its easy for anyone to stand on a high horse and judge the players for complaining. This is a new server, and we're all on early game (level 200).  Until you're actually ahead of the rest of us after the excessive amount of hard work that you'll have to put in without the use of IDR, then you can tell us about how "hard" you had to work and about how MMO's have been ruined by catering to players. Once you put in the months to years effort to even get close to being able to handle midgame content decently, then maybe you can tell us about how much we've been served on a silver platter.
  • ClavesClaves Posts: 84Member Beginner
    The reason why prices are set too high is because supply is low and demand is high, majority of desirable items are behind a payment wall, not everyone is going to cash Newsflash~
    Dungeon gear/items are set at OK/Reasonable prices for a new server so im assuming the " OvEr PrIcEd ItEmS" - you're referencing cash items 

    "elitist Bull"
    IIRC i was a CBT, and i worked for what was mine like everyone else is, so im assuming anyone in ogp that was well geared and spent time gearing/enchanting are full of BS?

    it seems like YOU'RE the special snowflake i was speaking of, that want all endgame content given to them on a silver platter with no effort what so ever.

    This is coming from my OGP standpoint.
     Im currently lv201  pretty sure im putting in work~
    doing my daily degos/ymir/odin runs for better gear than the level up stuff, Question though:
    Where are you?

    just because you're falling behind doesn't mean be a negative Nancy, because you cant get it when you want it.

    I stand by my : "IDR ruins the economy" because it does hence why KR has it limited and I pray poopaya follows and not listen to you Snowflakes.

    From this post and the previous, you're in favor of having 500 IDR ( why? god knows- ) just so you can have have it easy and have poopaya cater to you. id suggest play casually or play another game at the end of the day before you complain and dog others asking them : " How are your runs going with no IDR Huh? HUUUHHH????? SeE ToLD YOu WeE NEeD MoRe IDR NoW"

    its kinda disrespectful to us vets to see snowflakes complaining: "the drop rate isnt good enough" and: "we need more"

    oh class dismissed,
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  • JimboyCJ455JimboyCJ455 Posts: 63Member Beginner
    @Claves Alright, you made your point. No need to get aggressive. Let's all just be reasonable. Also, you're able to play everyday, right? What about the people who literally can't afford to play some days? Just some food for thought.

    @Rubatin No need to rip into Claves either. Don't assume just because he's aggressive. He has a point that an excessive amount of higher end item (like degos) will just be npc for a lot of ely. There was a point in farming hardcore coli to earn equips to sell to make money. I think we still can, albeit at a much lower rate, due to the IDR. Of course, shops are going to be higher than norm from the last server because there's a lot less items going around.

    Also, we're getting off topic here. Stick to what the OT was.
    The truth about humanity is that no one can ever truly be alone. Don't be mean to others. You never know who they might be in the future, or how important they might become.
  • RubatinRubatin Posts: 33Member Beginner
    edited July 2017
    @Claves I won't derail the thread much more after this post, so I'll try to stick on topic. This is the offtopic part: What I called "elitist bull" is simply how you refer to yourself as a "veteran" and make claims such as "us veterans" as if you're the speaker for all of themI don't mean to dismiss your post because you said that, but it's really uncalled for to act as if you're superior because of being a "Veteran" your posts on this thread are littered with insults and unnecessary comments that make it easy to assume you think you're superior to the rest of us, that's what I claim as elitist bull, not anything of your actual reasoning as to why IDR is necessary. Since I'm not here to start a fight, I'll try to leave out the unnecessary comments out of further posts, and I hope you try to do the same.

    Where I am: I'm at level 200, not much more to say. I'm steadily farming badges as well as gems, anything that I don't feel is ridiculously slow with a lack of IDR. I've realized pretty quickly how long it will take to get even a sizeable fraction of the damage I had on OGP, and that kills the game for me, other players as well. I didn't come to this thread to tell people to quit the game because of no IDR, but simply trying to make it known to papaya that the lack of IDR is an issue, atleast to some of us. They've proven on multiple occasions that they respond to these sort of things, after all.

    Back on topic: First of all I understand that Item drop rate effects the economy, that's why I said that papaya should find a middle ground. I'm pretty sure most of us understand we can't have prime IDRs back, after all they shouldn't exist in the coding anymore. Yes, I'm in favor of adding more IDR, doesn't need to be 500%, but IDR should still be in game. Simple reasons why.

    -Players will leave, regardless of if you call it as being a  snow flake  or as entitlement, they'll leave, cash players and free to play players both. You might be okay with this, but that's part of the problem we had with OGP. Majority of the lower level and more casual players leave and fraction of players left as the majority are players that are veteran and the hardworking ones. If that's exactly what you want, that's fine, but I'm pretty sure that's part of why we're on this new server in the first place.

    -This is early game, which I believe I stated in my last post. Why keep the players at early game for such a prolonged period of time? Again, your thoughts on this may differ to mine, but the game has plenty of content to rush us past early game. There's no reason to keep players busy with content that most them have already been through. You stated that I want end game served on a silver platter, considering you're a veteran player, you do understand that level 200 gameplay is basically starting the game right?

    -People transferred for a reason. Some people are playing for friends, some people expect the game to be better, easier, etc. Losing all the things it took years of work to get and then seeing that it will effectively take even longer to get than before is a slap in the face to a lot of players. 

    -Making money has been severely cut down. Of course this also means there's less inflation, but it all comes back to players finding more ways to get ely, like putting high prices on items, selling leeches, etc. Most of which isn't great for a community to have as a whole.

    Items are being sold overpriced, to answer your question yes, most of what I reference is cash items, which is practically containing the main things being sold that people need. I understand supply and demand. That much is obvious, but what I was trying to say, which you might've missed, is that making money has been significantly slowed. So slowed that I can't help but wonder if inflation is that big of an issue when the problems of inflation are basically already showing, yet most players make no money as of now. 

    At the KLT has no idr comment: Honestly I've realized the whole looking up to KR thing isn't even that great. It's strange that we talk about how much greater and how much more their server has than us, yet most of us don't even play the game. Even less of us can read korean, even less of us know just how much work korean players put in compared to us. We don't know why KLT has IDR limited, they have way more bilions of ely in circulation than us and they have way more items in circulations than us. The time for comparisons is pretty much over, If you're still up for comparing though, another player known as 2xe/oyer on OGP showed a post that shows how much different we still are from KLT.

    Moving away from the wall of text that I just put out, it should be possible for a middle ground to be reached so a decent amount IDR is readily accessible but not enough that players feel that inflation will occur rapidly. I won't speak for anyone else, but I really believe a lot of players will start leaving quickly within the next few weeks if they realize they transferred over to a game that's basically been made longer and less accessible than before. 

  • ClavesClaves Posts: 84Member Beginner
    edited July 2017
    @JimboyCJ455 pretty sure  i work 65+ hours a week as an Net Admin but i have time for my personal luxuries. but thats just me- cant speak on people who have poor time management

    Note @Rubatin was the one who came off aggressive i was just stating my opinion,

    since we are typing pages of responses ill just break it down by paragraph: 

    "@Claves I won't derail the thread much more after this post, so I'll try to stick on topic. This is the offtopic part: What I called "elitist bull" is simply how you refer to yourself as a "veteran" and make claims such as "us veterans" as if you're the speaker for all of themI don't mean to dismiss your post because you said that, but it's really uncalled for to act as if you're superior because of being a "Veteran" your posts on this thread are littered with insults and unnecessary comments that make it easy to assume you think you're superior to the rest of us, that's what I claim as elitist bull, not anything of your actual reasoning as to why IDR is necessary. Since I'm not here to start a fight, I'll try to leave out the unnecessary comments out of further posts, and I hope you try to do the same.

    > Note: I never said i was superior, i just called myself a veteran, which the vast majority that ive spoken to both from OGP/ KLT have the same opinion on new players wanting easier to obtain items, i.e: Snowflakes. IDR isnt necessary its just for convenience purposes so you wont cry when you dont get the drop when you want it. Leave it out or continue to make it a weekend event its working for me, and others as well. it just isnt working for you i presume

    Where I am: I'm at level 200, not much more to say. I'm steadily farming badges as well as gems, anything that I don't feel is ridiculously slow with a lack of IDR. I've realized pretty quickly how long it will take to get even a sizeable fraction of the damage I had on OGP, and that kills the game for me, other players as well. I didn't come to this thread to tell people to quit the game because of no IDR, but simply trying to make it known to papaya that the lack of IDR is an issue, atleast to some of us. They've proven on multiple occasions that they respond to these sort of things, after all.

    >once again IDR isnt a deal breaker or a live or die situation. The max they should give is 50~100 thats a decent amount to not make the game un enjoyable. the numerous amount of times where 500~1k idr was ran on OGP just to get and entire set/weapons out the ass with just one run is kinda bland and destroys the game, not to mention the influx of armor- and other stuff with too much supply little demand due to : everyone has access too 500~1k IDR (hypothetical) 

    Back on topic: First of all I understand that Item drop rate effects the economy, that's why I said that papaya should find a middle ground. I'm pretty sure most of us understand we can't have prime IDRs back, after all they shouldn't exist in the coding anymore. Yes, I'm in favor of adding more IDR, doesn't need to be 500%, but IDR should still be in game. Simple reasons why.

    >Note you said economy ruin due to IDR is irrelevant, now you're agreeing it does have impact??? (paraphrasing) 

    -Players will leave, regardless of if you call it as being a  snow flake  or as entitlement, they'll leave, cash players and free to play players both. You might be okay with this, but that's part of the problem we had with OGP. Majority of the lower level and more casual players leave and fraction of players left as the majority are players that are veteran and the hardworking ones. If that's exactly what you want, that's fine, but I'm pretty sure that's part of why we're on this new server in the first place.

    > That is a given that players will leave it happens all the time, even LT content creators make 15~30 minute videos as to why they are leaving. As for " thats the problem we had on OGP" im not sure where you got that information but IIRC, players left due to:
    • Horrible economy state ( +888 pots for 800~900 mil compared to +1000 pots on KR for under 100Mil )
    • Forums were bombarded by ad bots
    • in active/nonexistent staff
    • Dead player base ( with a max of 200~700 people online weekly
    • lack of communication of staff
    • lack of events (unless a new Major content patch dropped)
    • and as some people say the only active / Most responsive GM (dogeful) leaving OGP 
    • Terrible Game/Server host with horrid connections/ constant server drops etc.

    -This is early game, which I believe I stated in my last post. Why keep the players at early game for such a prolonged period of time? Again, your thoughts on this may differ to mine, but the game has plenty of content to rush us past early game. There's no reason to keep players busy with content that most them have already been through. You stated that I want end game served on a silver platter, considering you're a veteran player, you do understand that level 200 gameplay is basically starting the game right?

    > If you read my last post, i previously stated that i was running my daily 190~ dungeon runs. which kind of implied if im doing them daily its something that would be considered starting to prepare for late game- /shrug

    -People transferred for a reason. Some people are playing for friends, some people expect the game to be better, easier, etc. Losing all the things it took years of work to get and then seeing that it will effectively take even longer to get than before is a slap in the face to a lot of players.
    > OGP not renewing LT's contract was kind of obvious due to the state of the came, i and plenty of others called it a year ago so i was prepared personally, then again OGP has a terrible history of keeping Good games up to par ( Cabal was decent, cant say much for RF but apperently those two are Way better off with out OGP) 

    -Making money has been severely cut down. Of course this also means there's less inflation, but it all comes back to players finding more ways to get ely, like putting high prices on items, selling leeches, etc. Most of which isn't great for a community to have as a whole.

    > previously stated this but in a lesser format 

    Items are being sold overpriced, to answer your question yes, most of what I reference is cash items, which is practically containing the main things being sold that people need. I understand supply and demand. That much is obvious, but what I was trying to say, which you might've missed, is that making money has been significantly slowed. So slowed that I can't help but wonder if inflation is that big of an issue when the problems of inflation are basically already showing, yet most players make no money as of now. 
    > previously stated this but in a lesser format 

    At the KLT has no idr comment: Honestly I've realized the whole looking up to KR thing isn't even that great. It's strange that we talk about how much greater and how much more their server has than us, yet most of us don't even play the game. Even less of us can read korean, even less of us know just how much work korean players put in compared to us. We don't know why KLT has IDR limited, they have way more bilions of ely in circulation than us and they have way more items in circulations than us. The time for comparisons is pretty much over, If you're still up for comparing though, another player known as 2xe/oyer on OGP showed a post that shows how much different we still are from KLT.
    > Seen the link, i play KR actively, therefore i can speak on their economy state which is far better than OGP's previous state and soon to be poopaya's? 
    its funny how you still dont see the difference in servers- as i stated earlier when OGP got the +888 exp pots people were selling them for 800 mil +
    in KR those are sold for 50~75 mil ( as of monday) not to mention there is a +1000 xp pot sold for 100~150 mil ( as of monday) which the link also displays.
     i have yet to cash in KR but im still able to actually afford stuff just from farming ely and by other means and i have decent-good endgame gear. 

    Moving away from the wall of text that I just put out, it should be possible for a middle ground to be reached so a decent amount IDR is readily accessible but not enough that players feel that inflation will occur rapidly. I won't speak for anyone else, but I really believe a lot of players will start leaving quickly within the next few weeks if they realize they transferred over to a game that's basically been made longer and less accessible than before. 

    > This game will be great if we have a new influx of new faces that havent even touched latale. most Vets are in their mid- late 20's i myself in my early 20s so that being said i would like to see poopaya's goal for LT otherwise ill probably stick around for a few more months and pop in now and then, but my IDR statement still stands
    Leave  It   Out.
    stick with having it as an event on weekends if not just supply +50~100 IDR plain and simple- 

    If thats all then id suggest the topic at hand be dropped, we both have semi-valid opinions ( though some seem spurred from jealousy?) and carry on . yes we can banter to see who's toy car is bigger but i personally have bigger fish to fry- 
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  • tadomitadomi Posts: 41Member Beginner
    >he cares about inflation when all upgrade fees (sky n mutant 3m, 10m
    weapons n armors), enchant fees (3.5m 6-10s, nonexistent rems) and
    others (100m extra skillpage, 125m+ crafting level, 150m for a single
    rune reroll) are holding us back hard

    wew lad

    also this

    Rubantin: People transferred for a reason. Some people are playing for friends,
    some people expect the game to be better, easier, etc. Losing all the
    things it took years of work to get and then seeing that it will
    effectively take even longer to get than before is a slap in the face to
    a lot of players.

    for a 10 years old game, this relaunch is really questionable
  • ClavesClaves Posts: 84Member Beginner

    besides the 7 + threads on " Latale economy 101" // " lets Not ruin economy"

    pretty sure a vast majority cares for infaltion at this point- 

     And please leave green text at 4chan-  though thats a long anecdotes it missed the punch - 
    (or was it :thonk: )
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  • JimboyCJ455JimboyCJ455 Posts: 63Member Beginner
    edited July 2017
    @Claves The language you use is aggressive. I'm sorry if you don't mean to be, but since it's an online media, people are left with the diction you use to interpret what you meant and how you mean it. Plus, making an inflamatory post questioning a player's habits isn't aggressive (July 2)?

    And to address the other point: Just because you can work 65+ hours a week and still do your dailies doesn't mean everyone else has the energy or motivation to play. People with kids can testify to this.

    Can we lock this thread? It's been derailed (somewhat) and personal matters are getting involved.
    The truth about humanity is that no one can ever truly be alone. Don't be mean to others. You never know who they might be in the future, or how important they might become.
  • LezerteLezerte Posts: 10Member Beginner
    edited July 2017
    I would like to share some of my feedback concerning the IDR « issues » and my own experience to deal with it. While I don’t exactly write all the time on the forums, I pretty much went radio silence for quite some now on the Discord but I think this should be a pretty accurate representation as far as being a free-to-play player goes and now playing as a lv.200 Wind Stalker which could be a good indication on the state of things that have being discussed so far concerning IDR.

    Most and foremost, the IDR is either an issue and a non-issue. Let me explain this.

    The issue is that codexes are still very dependant on the IDR and the further you progress, unavoidably the harder to obtains the card gets. Same thing goes for the conversion rate. Item codex doesn’t work that way since each item has its own conversion rate – so I’ll pass with Item Codex if it’s not for the sake of the collectables which are inavoidably influenced by IDR. imageIn both cases, I did not encounter major issues at all (it fails or it succeeds - all is just a history of being lucky and that the RNG gods don't hate you) – if it’s not that according to feedback from guildmates, that the King Beetle Horn is back to something along the lines of a « Low » conversion rate. In term of conversion of both codexes, it is pretty even – not high but significant enough so I could solo Degos and partying with no major issues with Ymir Institute (I even think about soloing it). Also I may had, the x2 events during the weekend greatly help since a 1/4 of the entries was made during this period.

    Which comes to my next subject, how do I tackle the IDR issues in the dungeons. Sadly, this is where I’m confornted to two cases which involves to change build when a boss finally bites the dust in the treasure room. Every. Single. Time.

    This is what IDR looks like when I use a offensive setup. image

    And now, this is what looks like when I got to use the full IDR/RIDR formula when I got to hit the Treasure Room – by redoing a new setup so that I can attack once with the most accuracy possible with my most powerful attack (in that case the SS5), nevermind the fact that when the screenshot was taken, I was not using an IDR Wonder Drug (+15 IDR) and Chocolate Chip Cookies (+10 IDR plus +500 RIDR) otherwise it is the extreme limit that I’ll got would be an actual 107 IDR, I don’t find usefulness for the IDR syrup quite yet since my character isn’t in its most optimal to inflige massive damage throughout the runs.


    Here of course, there is no such of a problem when it comes to farming since farming is the combinaison of building enough Ely Gain Rate moreso than proper IDR throughout the dungeon.As far for some missions goes (namely L2 missions), I find myself that using a mere +10 IDR food in non-x2 days have done quite some miracles.

    The only real issues
    I encounter in these last couple of hours was for one particular
    dungeon, HC since I can compare what happened in the span of the last
    24 hours (x2 regime vs. Non-exterior IDR boost) and it comes with
    wolf tears and weapon obtained : 33 (x2) versus 16 (non-IDR) and
    8M. versus 5M. gain. And I know about the multiple issues surrounding
    Hardcore Coli since it got nerfed and that the Golden Age of HC
    farming is far gone but this is the sole remote example I can offer.

    It also becomes a problem
    however when ressources are limited and that said ressources aren’t
    exactly good. I’m sorry, but the so-called Item Drug (that blue
    bottle thing that displays +100 IDR and that last 1 minute, which is
    relevant for the following) isn’t what I really call a good item –
    it is the best item but not a great item at the same time. It may
    happen you screw up badly and that you exactly didn’t activate the
    Total Blessing buff, which is 12 levels that gives 3 IDR per
    level and that lasts 3 seconds with a cooldown of 1 minute – which
    is to me a heresy by the way and that to me, Lucky Hit should return. More than other, it is an item obtainable via
    fashion shop spendings in the great lolbox lottery. Now it is also
    granted that we really never experienced that back then at OGP since
    the IDR was either staggering or sufficient enough that the IDR tree
    was ignored – bar for the Ely passive skills of course.

    There is still the
    IDR wonder drugs of course, but those can come randomly and from
    three things : guild crops (you get
    1 for 10 coins), TAIDs bar Hero King (the easier option but you still
    got to have a minimum IDR to get it profitable) and from boxes
    relative to Jiendra Pioneer and Freios Explorer (a few persons can
    farm those instances at this very moment).

    Now I know that
    people don’t want the massive IDR back but truth be told – they
    are right and they are in the right to say so. And this is coming
    from someone who had habits to farming with Superior stuffs back at
    OGP, and while the drop numbers are quite inferior to Prime stuffs it
    is still a very decent cash at the end of the farming session. I love
    my Prime stuff but it’s all up to players own reasoning and reflexion to know how to
    progress and it’s not me that will teach to anyone on how to farm.
    I’m advocating for going little bits by little bits (I also
    consider the leveling-up event being a heresy also because some
    players are encouraged to not take their time to properly build their
    gears and because it only impact a mere fraction of the playerbase who do know their stuff - which is not a critique by the way).

    I would also agree
    for a limited comeback for IDR stuffs. Provided those lasts for quite
    some time, provided that those aren’t massively overpowered
    (+100 to +200 is enough since we don’t need the superior or the
    prime stuffs and if you really want to keep the challenge to be interesting)
    but have some stacking property that comes with. And of course, in good and satisfying supply numbers. Placing those on the
    login events would be an actual blessing, as for lolboxes goes, why not in
    certain conditions and being some sort of medium prices.In short, nothing too revolutionary. As far as inflation goes, I'm sorry but this is going to exist no matter what. It's again all up to players to find what is acceptable and not acceptable and how to behave accordingly. As far as the case of unacceptable goes, you can find MANY at the auction house.

    There is a few other
    subjects that I want to tackle like the pricing of certains items in
    the FS (the cost of the Crystal Guilds being an actual Dollar which
    is to me utterly unacceptable, the absence of some items and even
    variety of said items and the placing of other items that should not
    be there), but I instead preferred to write about my current
    experience as a free-to-play player with IDR in this new LaTale –
    interesting, certainly challenging because it only occurs in few
    occasions but very hard to get around in the non-x2 days and time
    consuming at that. And yet the most damaging thing I can think of, is that to properly farm and being at max capability is during the weekend events, aka the x2 events which is a normal feature for MMOs and should not be a rarity like a certain period at OGP's LT.

    In which I want to invite the players to give their own feedback, being vocal but staying in a very diplomatic tone - which is not an easy task, but that's what you got to do in order to have a peaceful dialogue with the new game runners and the team behind it. I hope for quick remedies for this problem, even if it doesn't really affect me in the very least (GP farming is what got my LT schedule overbooked) but it really does affect the playerbase and that's unfortunately noticeable.

    Edit number-whatever : I'm struggling for the page layout for that wall of text and I don't know what the problem is nor I can fix it in a proper way. I'm truly sorry.

  • FantasyHeartFantasyHeart Posts: 44Member Beginner
    Well, the GM has spoken now, in announcements.  No additional idr items.

    I dislike that a lot as the non event idr has been horrible at dropping monster cards and gp quest items.

    It seems unfair to have 5X and 8X exp items but not even be willing to make available a 1X or 2X idr.

    It is what it is, though.
    I just know that if I spend hours and hours and hours on end farming cards only to find out a few months later that idr will now be available, I won't be a Happy Camper.  ;x

    What about just upping the drop rate of monster cards?  That should have no  effect on the economy.
  • BehoimiBehoimi Posts: 48Member Beginner
    I will say it again, what we really need is XP pots only cause ely here is not as hard as you think to make, cause i can make 50m easly, i will not say how cause i learn it in OGP to doit without pot cause of the stupid Inflation that was there because of all the people now are complaining about the lack of idr, you guy become dependable of the IDR pots and it is your only fault, not server, i was living in the game with no more than the 2 days of x2 idr on weekends, i like the idea of no idr pots and ely pots here, i can complain just in a few things we didnt got and was some runes limitation and low flow of XP potions, thats all, but i can play like i did in ogp, just now i need to get my old stuff back.

    Of course we need some other fixes like the ely needed and succes for upgrade and craft. but people will keep complaining on idr cause they are. . .  i dont want to insult again, but wake up, idr pots killed last server like ely pots and make the game lack of new cause of the average players sold idr pots at high prices and new noobs hadnt the avility to buy them, i know that cause a lot o new players that left at lvl like 180 or 160 when they wherent able to get a xp pot cause of price over 20m and idr over 30m.
  • JimboyCJ455JimboyCJ455 Posts: 63Member Beginner
    Well, since they announced it, there's nothing we can do but shut up and play. It won't get done by itself, after all.
    The truth about humanity is that no one can ever truly be alone. Don't be mean to others. You never know who they might be in the future, or how important they might become.
  • ultimapiultimapi Posts: 25Member Beginner
    LT as it was meant to be. I wonder when the casuals will start screaming about being excluded and whatnot.
  • ClavesClaves Posts: 84Member Beginner

    The thread isnt derailing, if anyone is contributing to derailing, its you.
    Me and Rub have been on the topic of IDR/ veteran/new player experience/affaires , the topic of this thread is IDR. 
    So therefore we are still contributing to the topic at hand. you on the other hand are still trying to stir up and determine if my blunt way of speaking is hostile or not, iirc thats not contributing to IDR what so ever. as for the personal matters, pretty sure its only you with the personal problem with me or Rubati- so.
    if you haven't noticed the situation/debate between me and Rub has been settle and we have both came to terms, please drop it to avoid any other form of miscommunication/ instigation of conflict thanks~-

    To also note i said VERBATIM: "cant speak on people who have poor time management"
    So the whole :" doesn't mean everyone else has the energy or motivation to play. People with kids can testify to this. " nonsense i already said i cant speak on the matter of poor time management. 
    so why even bring it up ?


     That is a good breakdown of your experiences with IDR it nearly compares with mine to and extent 
    also +1 on the opinion of having +100/+200-

    Related image
  • JimboyCJ455JimboyCJ455 Posts: 63Member Beginner
    edited July 2017
    That was a post from a few days, but whatever. I already said that they announced they aren't planning on introducing IDR at all. That's OT relevant at least.
    The truth about humanity is that no one can ever truly be alone. Don't be mean to others. You never know who they might be in the future, or how important they might become.
  • RubatinRubatin Posts: 33Member Beginner
    I pretty much got tired of posting after that long wall of text I put out, and since papaya made it obvious they have no intention of increasing the supply of IDR in game I don't see a point in arguing anymore. 

    @Claves At this point might as well just wait and see in the next few months, people will leave for a multitude of reasons but I still stick to the thought that the prolonging of early game (due to lack of idr and of course the obvious lack of primes) is going to kill the game. Won't argue much further, since papaya clearly shares your thoughts on the idr subject. 

    @Behoimi Exp pots are great and all, but you'll have to be geared to handle all the content after leveling. The point of having IDR wasn't just to make money, it was to farm gear, make gems, etc. If you're prepared to do all the gearing you did on OGP roughly 5-6 times longer than before, than losing 500% idr isn't that big of a deal to you. 

    For now I'll just wait and see what the community thinks about the game and the no idr subject in a few weeks/months, maybe after some of the hype dissipates. 
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