Where do I go

Magicmario4Magicmario4 Posts: 0Member Beginner
I'm currently level 170 and the leveling guide says that I should grind at the cookie garden. I have no idea where that is... please help!


  • JimboyCJ455JimboyCJ455 Posts: 63Member Beginner
    It'll be a hard to get there, but here's how to. First you go to link between dimensions (through Shalo from most towns) and find Chunsik Tunnel. Fight the mobs there and they'll drop tickets. Now, I don't exactly remember where these tickets take you, I think it's cookie gardern, but either the Tunnel mobs drop it, or the mobs from the tickets those mobs drop will take you to cookie garden. Remember to set up a custom waypoint when you get there so you don't need to use another ticket.
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