Meta Classes right now.

CarninesCarnines Posts: 6Member Beginner
New to latale and wondering what the meta is like her since im a meta guy.

All I know is Demigod is op from my first few days of play.


  • StrHkrStrHkr Posts: 6Member Beginner
    If you're a meta guy, just go Demi...
    The other popular one is Popstar, which is the end of the Bard branch of Wizard. They're almost necessary for the endgame, which is why everyone seems to want one in their party.

    Basically anything is good, though.
  • chengstachengsta Posts: 0Member Beginner
    I have both a popstar and a demigod. With the same effort, the demigod kills things 10x faster. It can solo dego right at 200, kill it within seconds. Popstar fresh 200 will die several times and take 15 minutes. Mind you that's with level up gear. Just imagine how much more powerful demigod will be with decent gear. I've gotten 5 classes to 200 because lvling is easy atm, and demigod is superior, broken, overpowered. I really hope they nerf that because I hate playing my demigod...but I have to if I want to solo stuff, like sky coli.
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