What can I say ....

djdavidjeskedjdavidjeske Posts: 25Member Beginner
Well what can I say, I get steady fps drops like crazy and that with an i7 4790k & GTX 1060 6GB & 32GB RAM. Seen a hacker in my 2nd match. Server is a big disadvantage to me since now the players lagg worse than they did already, but now they kill me before they even come around the corner almost all the time. 3 of my 6 migrated accounts are banned(thanks Nexon, I appreciate that*sarcasm*) ... one I cannot migrate because I forgot the email address I used, Nexon is not helping me with that so I lose that Account(purposely), they have not responded in a week to the ticket(all they need to do is name me my email address) at all and if they don't help me I can say goodbye lovely Famas_UK retail. Is it really worth playing now? The answer is NOO!!!! I'll be back as soon my Accounts get unbanned & they launch an NA Server. I'm out.
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