WerFault.exe error
Posts: 5Member Beginner
This error has been very annoying, at times randomlly it just pops and then I have to restart my latale.
But not only with Windows Error Reporting Service but with many other programs asked to be debugged and / or terminated.
After the error has popped it wont stop popping up until I restart my latale. This is very weird and annoying when mid game killing / grinding when suddenly it pops and you die because of it.
Lately I've seen many other players who encountered this error, and keep yet encountering it.
For the meantime I disabled Windows Error reporting service but I hope you will be able to find the problem
and fix it.
Thanks in advance ~ PancakeSuperMan.
it's a strange interaction between gameguard and your antivirus. try pausing it while you play latale