Stuck on Scenario Quest "Shadow of the Great Ghost"

SuiseisukiSuiseisuki Posts: 1Member Beginner
I am stuck on the Lvl155 Scenario Quest "Shadow of the Great Ghost".
How? I accidentally sold the quest items you needed to turn in, that are unobtainable elsewhere except from the previous quests leading up to this one (Loki's Red Feather x1 and Loki's Black Feather x1).
I can't abandon the Scenario Quest; I was hoping I'd be able to in order to restart the conversation and get the given items back somehow.
For something as important as a Scenario Quest, shouldn't there be a way to recover any dialogue-only items you accidentally sell in-game? If there is, what do I need to do to get them back?



  • TesselaTessela Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Has anyone figured out how to fix this? This has happened to me during cleaning my event tab recently and I can't recover them. Any suggestions?
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