Latale 10 years later, then and now
Posts: 66Member Beginner
How does the Latale of today compare to seasons one and two?
I heard that everyone used to have a lot less HP.
I saw that a bunch of maps changed after season 1 but I don't know many details.
Someone mentioned that it took weeks or months to reach level 80 at some point?
Way back when I first started, this was both frustrating but also cool, since you'd have to find new level appropriate grind spots each time. @cryllic talked through the popular 50's one, Crabs, but then you'd go to Lilliput and then quest to 80 at Toad, etc. The process started speeding up as grinding dungeons such as Spooky Village and Coli started getting added. By the time TT came out the process was pretty streamlined, you'd start grinding at spooky 60, hit Toad Island Cave, go back to Spooky 90, do some inter coli, hit TT 120, Expert Coli, TT 150, etc.
The new pace is cool because it allows you to much more quickly try out new classes if you want (can get to 140 for subclass in like 2 days of casual play, or 170 for 4th job in like 3) But the issues of zipping through Jienda become apparent. As a veteran player, it's too bad that so many areas are skipped, that the early games have 0 relevance, and that leveling is meaningless until like 190 xD
Overall the experience is the same once you get to 200 now. Instead of farming hyu or sphinx for level appropriate gear and grinding in Coli, you farm all sorts of dungeons for gear, and grind sky coli xD so can't be too upset. Newer players don't know what they missed, so it's all good all around. It's also telling that over 4 years of playing S1/early S2 my highest char was only ever 182, so having the faster route to "end" game for slow players like myself has been fun this time around. I have the ability to actually party up with and do stuff with my guildmates, where as before if you were too low level it'd be a while before you caught up.
3rd Job came out next, at 140. It used to be you'd go to Xenadia and follow a lengthy quest line similar to how 4ths are now to class advance. It was really cool though, because although every class' quest line starts the same, eventually they'd split off and have some different tasks to do, some even that took you to other bosses/areas of the map. This was honestly my favorite part of the game and I was really sad when they first got dumbed down in S2 and removed altogether in S3 :/ I found the quests/area itself to be much more entertaining than the 4th job quest area.
Subs came out kinda halfway between 3rd jobs and S2. Similar to 3rd and 4th jobs, you had to reach 140 (and 3rd job) in order to access a quest line to complete to get your subclass. These quests were super hard though (also the first-ish Freios content iirc) so like... while I love the concept of subs, I hated doing them xD not bad in a party but really hard alone. This was also (thankfully, in this case) dumbed down in S2 and removed in S3.
As for PvP, it doesn't give XP, no. I don't remember if they still exist but you did used to be able to trade in pvp points for instant xp potions (similar to dew drops of infinity), once for lols I started a char and only leveled them with pvp potions xD didn't make it very far before I deleted the char for something else (either soul breaker or card master)