WTS trieste armlets+9,summy gears+9,mecha wings etc.
Posts: 19Member Beginner
*2x trieste armlet +9 decent str mele brands
*persona(180+9 summy gears) armor,pants,boots decent hp brands all parts. +9
*mechanic wings bagi
* helpy gaunts+3 2100 destro att/ all together cca. 4760.
*stack of buffs 400+ valentines choco loads of ardeca mugworth and all kinds of vita and hp buffs.
*blue dragon wings seg
*izar gear +9
*2x summy immos
Looking for helpy gaunts 4000+destro 5000 att+alltogether +7 --- +10
Flag of war bagi or box
2x wed armlets +10
pm me with offers and ign here.
pm me here with offers and ign.