Just a thought that can be considered
Posts: 81Member Beginner
Could we by any chance have the flash sales pet be put back on the Pet Tab, I would not really mind if they were like 1k LTC like they were when they first appeared, but it would be nice to re-add them back into the fashion shop, the players who are playing now can buy with either LTC or Ely, but for those that have yet to come, I feel like adding them back in the Pet Tab will be a nice idea, sure it could be twice as much as average pet, and maybe not Great, so they will be timed, but at least they will be there.
At the very least a healthy rotation would be nice, we should not rotate in pet that are yet to come to Papaya Latale, so nothing like a Captain Jack, but more of like a BokBok.
Speaking of pets like BokBok, I was imagining that these pet could be put back at a high LTC rate, I'm speaking for like 3k, or 30 dollars, as these sort of pets were gamble pets to begin with, this could be said the same for whenever Iris is finish.
I would honestly prefer to see these pets sometime in the future, and not in a flash sale, because then you are forced to get that thing in a time limit and even if you were like "Meh, I want them but I don't want to cough up the dough" you never know if they will come back to the market.
So if possible I would like the GM or someone to at least give us an idea if the pets will be coming back or not, I'm not expecting pets like HoneyBear to come this month or the next, maybe 4 months after, but at least I know those pets will be put up on the market.