[Community Feedback] CS75 EXPEDITION

DIABO_GameMastersDIABO_GameMasters Posts: 1,325BS DSH Professional
Hello Soldiers,

CS75 EXPEDITION has just been released! Check out the update info on the following link:

CS75 EXPEDITION (click for more info)

We really would appreciate if you could check all the update info on the link above, play a lot to test all the new features and later share your feedback and also your suggestions for future improvements on this topic.

As usual your feedback is always extremely important to us and always taken under consideration for improvements in our product and especially on your gaming experience.

Thanks in advance and enjoy the update!

Team BlackShot
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  • BOLT95BOLT95 Posts: 7Member Beginner
    Legal,mapa novo(horrível) mexeram no Melaka(só pra piorar) e ainda pioraram o modo DOM por geral,parabéns,armas novas que são desenvolvidas do 0 não param de vir,porem skin da ak nada né? já se perguntaram se nois queremos tais mudanças antes de chegar e simplesmente fazer?....... macro é proibido mais 60% do jogo usa! legal em,se não podem realmente conter ou punir os que usam porque não libera logo ? a acham justo cerca de 60% usar 40% sofrer pra jogar contra eles? acham que banir 2/3 que usa é o suficiente? acorda Vertigo,no ritmo que vão 2018 não existe mais Blackshot.
  • allodallod Posts: 4Approved Member Beginner
    New sniper Awp vtg,faster then Msr omega and of course 1 shot with armor 6 and 115 hp . Papaya realized that they need to have op weapons in goldbox premium in order to make more money. Losing players every month. Great job removing M1A Socom, SR2 Veresk, Msr Omega, Ak project dragon,Sar21 Skull Reaper and throwing knife.It was the only good update in almost 2 years.Not to mention how many players use macros and hacks in clan war.Community is banning hackers ,not blackshot team or game masters. Gm's are not doing their job in my opinion. From what i've seen they are using over powered weapons in public. Free bsc huh.... This comment will probably get deleted but at least gm's will read it. This is not insulting. These are facts that will never change.
  • DIABO_GameMastersDIABO_GameMasters Posts: 1,325BS DSH Professional
    Thank you for sharing your feedback and improvement suggestions.

    Will be forwarded and taken under consideration for improvements on future updates.

    Wish you all a nice gaming day!
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  • krishnendu03krishnendu03 Posts: 7Member Beginner
    Hello Everyone I want to know how do i get Honor in Blackshot 
    or madels plese help me out 

  • krishnendu03krishnendu03 Posts: 7Member Beginner
    Hey i just play 60 match in DOM both maps melaka and reclaim before midnight of 24 but i still didn't get any things plese help me out

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