my account was forced from 1 of the GM to ban because he know someone that i killed him much time time in the game 
this player his name is Sfixx and he know 1 of the GM
so This GM need to search for something to ban me 
so he ban me with a reason that i use hacktools

but i want to tell this GM i didnt use nothing of hacktools and i play clean with my skills
i sent much tikets for the suuport team but the answer is the same 
i want to ask this GM who banned me;why just me???
i sent much tiket about much real hackers and they still untell now play BS 
why they didint untel now banned???
sure they know someone OF the GM of their country
I want to tell Giovanny and Mentalist thanks for the advice to go play BS Sea 
but i live in italy and i want play BS Europe 
so i want my account come back or i post all the conversation with  this GMs 

they joke of me and they banned me without any proof just lies
i want justice
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