Thanks for my retails!

brutalbackbrutalback Posts: 7Member Beginner
Just a quick question: Is this a joke? 

After chatting with the support, where every answer took like 3 weeks, today was the day they promised me my normal m249 for heavy trooper back. After a lot of Trouble with loggin in I just checked my inventory and instead of my m249 I've got a second 8. Slot Famas for 60 minutes, and my smoke nades (who were permanent) are now expiring in 1 hour? 

For real it's nice that I now have 2 black famas for the 8. Slot but I guess the one I had before is enough...

I know I won't get help here, but just thought I would post it in here aswell because I won't wait for an answer of the Support for a month. 


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