Piracy, Deck Battle, Pillage Orders, Improved Hold, & Panic

InfamousKillaInfamousKilla Posts: 165Member Beginner
Uncharted Waters Online was meddled with by it's previous host OGPlanet. They made piracy into a joke and ruined PVP by removing "Deck Battle" as a viable option. The combat system used to have a wonderful Paper/Rock/Scissors feel, until they flawed it by removing that vital component. There is little reward for grinding dungeons all over the world, learning weapon and trap techs, and refining land battle skills, if you can't actually apply it when in combat with other players. OGP nerfed piracy by making the ship skill, "Improved Hold" 100% effective, and also by removing item plunder from PVP completely, thus rendering Pillage Orders ineffective. Before OGPlanet basically ruined the game, you would have to be on the lookout when you were out sailing in hostile waters. There was risk and reward, it was very exciting.. Now it feels Like Farmville with pirate ships. Anyway, I hope you fine folks at Papaya Play return this game to it's previous glory. Finally, please reassure the player base not to panic because there will be no reset and that their characters and property will transfer to your server. (Otherwise you will lose 90% of the community)


  • OberrillOberrill Posts: 133Member Trainee
     How about you people who like piracy so much pirate each other?  If they want to return piracy to its "glory days", then they had better give a way to opt out of being pirated. And it had better not be a flag that you have to buy. There are so many things I would like to see changed in this game, but I do not ask because other people would not like it. How about we get rid of the ship tractor beam and the ship speed-ups? No more grabbing a ship as it speeds by 200 yards away. Instead, you will just keep on going because you have no magic boosts to allow your fat cow to catch a cheetah.                                       How about  deleting double shot defense? As if you can make a defense that works against double shot but not against single shot. How about we get rid of all these ridiculous guns types? Real ship guns fired all types of shot.
     Every time I play I have to deal with the ridiculous design of the game. All bringing back the old piracy system will do is put even more pirates in the game and bring us back to the port camping that made the game not worth playing. I left UWO for quite a while because of the piracy. I came back when they changed it and found the game way more enjoyable to play.

  • noobnessnoobness Posts: 60Member Beginner
    Here is an idea!! How about dropping the nerf on pirates BUT making a quest in game to get blue flags. Maybe make the blue flags last 10-15min. They can even put a limit of using 20 a day or so. That way the cash shop one that last all day won't be discarded as "useless" like it is now. Then pirates and BH can have the fun of stealing stuff off each other while us traders and adventurers can enjoy what we do!
  • OberrillOberrill Posts: 133Member Trainee
     Something like this could be ok if properly implemented. Thumbs up.

  • WesDoobnerWesDoobner Posts: 761Member Intermediate
    I would support more piracy if blue flags were game-obtainable. I would also support limited plunder, but that could be tricky.
    May the winds blow you well
  • FrozenRubyFrozenRuby Posts: 286Member Intermediate
    i support piracy returning to the glory days of netmarble back with the limitless plunder on the same player no more cooldown on hitting the same player, back to when u had to barter with pirates for safe passage thru their hunting grounds, i agree pirates need to be added back in as a viable means of the game, right now they are just port camping u only come across a pirate come on out of calicut, EA ports carribs or boston, instead of being hit while in the middle of a trade route. bring back when being a known pirate gave u a reason to be feared by whites to make that noto mean something. if pirates can be sunk repeatidly so should white players be by pirates.
  • InfamousKillaInfamousKilla Posts: 165Member Beginner
    It can be difficult to find players when deep sea pirating, even for the fastest pirate on the server. This is because there aren't that many players sailing in hostile waters to find, which I believe to be directly related to OGP's poor hosting and rule changes. I believe that is why most pirates camp out at bustling ports. Also, it's very difficult to gain notoriety faster than you lose it while sailing, if the seas are virtually empty. 
  • defcee3defcee3 Posts: 11Member Beginner
    I like the statement I have often seen written "removing PvP removes the freedom of choice"  Ill remember that next time I am plundered and did not choose to be,  If you want true choice then think about this.  One must choose to mock battle.  Why not a one time choice to PvP or not to? Everyone gets a choice that way! And if you think THAT will ruin piracy then you then you know that a majority, a vast majority, would not cry if this happened, Double win there. Make the majority happy, and give everyone a choice, not just a few! 
  • FrozenRubyFrozenRuby Posts: 286Member Intermediate
    but now ur forcing players to choose their future what happens if a player chooses not to pvp now but wants to do it later wants to become a pirate later gets bored being a merchant or a adventures and wants to engage in piracy now they can't becuase u forced them to choose earlier what they wanted
  • defcee3defcee3 Posts: 11Member Beginner
    choose to open a new account.. simple is it not?
  • FrozenRubyFrozenRuby Posts: 286Member Intermediate
    so that means that player has to make another account from scratch to pirate but at that point they have ot grind all the skills and lvl again just to do so, isn't that a lil unfair to that player that wants to be a pirate
  • FrozenRubyFrozenRuby Posts: 286Member Intermediate
    ur basicly forcing players to choose PVE or PVP and they don't get a chance to change their mind later. so its like telling a child they can choose to goto school or stay home and play but they can't undo their choice
  • FrozenRubyFrozenRuby Posts: 286Member Intermediate
    and for another point i am a merchant at start of the game i am a pirate atm, i switch between piracy and being an armed merchant quite often.
  • FrozenRubyFrozenRuby Posts: 286Member Intermediate
    one more thing this game is PVPVE if u make people choose PVE they can't do mocks they can't do ESF they can't do BC they are stuck attacking npc's only runing trade and adventuring so basicly if they ever get bored of npc's they can't go pvp because they can't change their choice so u force everyone to go pvp so they can have all aspects of the game
  • defcee3defcee3 Posts: 11Member Beginner
    Let me think about this FrozenRuby.  You support wipes and multibox but complain about starting a PvP character from scratch on another account?

     And you do not support punctuation so your posts are legible.

    You want pirates to have unlimited attack and plunder because that is how you want the game and come up with lame excuses that contradict yourself to make that point. .

    Is it too unreasonable to allow players a choice to PvP or not?   PvP is now allowed now in the form of ESf, mock battles and BC in normally safe waters. It allows a player the choice to participate or not and they are totally unrelated to an issue of piracy, So just keep that aspect as is and not confuse issues with inventing  problems that are solved already. 

    As far as the giving a child the choice to go to school or play you overlook the concept that a permanent choice in RL is, of course permanent for life and you have only one life to live  In a game you have multiple accounts/characters, or lives, an idea you sometimes support, and thus can choose many permanent and opposing concepts. 

    Ok think I have gotten thoughts together in a logical concise manner and in one post.  Humm should I gain badge points and break this into 4 poorly written contradictory posts to gain points.  Nope that is just dumb!
  • FrozenRubyFrozenRuby Posts: 286Member Intermediate
    yes i choose to complain about what i personally don't want to do its the same as trying to say u speak for everyone or a majority of players how do u speak on behalf of someone else do u know what they want what they like what they can do,

    u say i support wipes and multibox and i complain about starting a pvp character from scratch on another account,i'm not complaining about my personal account and the struggle of making a PVP only character.

    but is it our right to force that upon other players maybe they don't have all the time in the world to grind a new character to where their PVE character is at maybe they have a max lvl PVE character and want to do PVP now they have to grind a new character to max or to where their skills match their main.

    Thats another many years of gameplay before they can do the PVP they wanted with their main. on another game called naval action it stands at the opposite problem we have with multi's  and pvp issues they have an issue integrating PVE into a PVP server.

    i gave a wonderful solution to that problem by implement a PVP system similar to World of Warcraft allow a PVE player to choose to flag for pvp combat this helps those that want PVE but like the aspect of PVP, this would allow players to choose willingly to engage in PVP combat but still have the choice to change back or disable PVP flag.  To go back to their PVE gameplay, and a similar system could be implemented on UWO where only those that flag for PVP similar to mock battle flagging but with a disable and enable timer set to enable or disable PVP.

    Since UWO has a Pirate system implemented and considerably changed over the years there is much that can be adjusted in the rule set like allowing pirates to have their unlimited or to change it to where a pirate can only attack the same player 3 times in a day, this would allow piracy to be viable so if ur prey gets out of battle u can still retag it 2 more times in a 24hour period, with the gear stealing i find the current system rules to be adequate, astro gear is expensive to replace. as for Pillage orders, implement that they enable the pirate to plunder spoils off the ship they are in melee with, as for deck battles these should return it gave more of a realistic engagement against an enemy and this would allow many of the merchant that have been playing for a while a much better chance at surviving a melee with a superior pirate ship. 

    there is much to be adjusted or decided on but remember this is just a game its not your lively its not real life its virtual its something to entertain or to have fun in.
  • InfamousKillaInfamousKilla Posts: 165Member Beginner
    If you don't want to be pirated, Just try using a blue flag. The game is free, avoiding pirates is not.
  • FrozenRubyFrozenRuby Posts: 286Member Intermediate
    i love the thrill of running into pirates that moment u see the red or orange name that moment u thought u out ran it ah the fun it brings as a merchant or bounty hunter even as a pirate running into others is fun
  • darknightowldarknightowl Posts: 19Member Beginner
    To the OP...I agree with the Improved Hold...it should be put back to the way it was before. Though most of what else you state shouldn't be put back in. Pillage orders should never be for PvP...only PvE. Item plundering should remain PvE only anyway. They should remove tributes instead.

    If you're a pirate to steal other players items, then it sounds like you do it for the wrong reasons. There is no reason Nanban cargo isn't good enough.

    ...and for your later comment...I see MORE players sailing in hostile water than before the changes a few years ago. I will never respect a port camper...that's not a pirate.
  • OwvinIIOwvinII Posts: 139Member Trainee
    @darknightowl : or they could nerf Improved Hold a little down from 100% to, say, 80%+StorageRank [or even 60%+2xStorageRank], meaning that way, the only way to get 100% protection from trade goods plunder is if you're at r20 Storage, and most jobs don't have Storage skill as favored anyways, as well as raise Management rank requirements from r8 to, say, r9 or even r10
    and maybe buff Sail Sewing/Shipwright Quarters ship skills by reducing Management rank requirements from r10 down to r8.

    Besides, Improved Hold doesn't protect provision food/water/timber/munitions from plunder afai conclude.
  • theedgedemontheedgedemon Posts: 237Member Trainee
     the limitless plunder on the same player no more cooldown on hitting the same player.

    seems like someone wants to be a griever, those rules where set because the operators lost money having to check each grieving report to keep losers ruining everyones fun at bay.

    btw from terms of agreement:

    (j) "Stalk" or otherwise harass another; 

    (n) Take any action that may prohibit other users from enjoying the services of the Website or games. 

    i smell that even if they reset the server which i dont belive they will, or even remove the piracy bans which i doubt too, it wont be long before another perhaps more aggressive measure is taken.
    Desire spawns madness, madness collapses into disaster.
    mankind never learns...
  • NellemusNellemus Posts: 141Member Trainee
    Guys, do you understand that they cant change rules KOEI put.
    So if KOEI decide ruin piracy it will stay so.
    I first would love to see piracy like on 2nd and 3rd year under netmarble but we wont have it.
    World Most Wanted Pirate
  • FrozenRubyFrozenRuby Posts: 286Member Intermediate
    nellemus i know i really wish they would reverse that decision they made it really left pirates with no other option then to port camp for food its too scares out on the seas
  • InfamousKillaInfamousKilla Posts: 165Member Beginner
    Koei will do as PapayaPlay asks. If they want the game to go back to a version that doesn't suck, the piracy restrictions could easily be lifted.
  • InfamousKillaInfamousKilla Posts: 165Member Beginner
    What is the point of being a pirate? I thought it was to plunder gold, cargo, and treasure. I recently defeated 10 fleets in 1 hour, but only earned 5 million ducats. At this rate, it will only take me 20,000 hours to make the 100 billion ducats required to buy a Refitted Ottoman Galleass.
  • InfamousKillaInfamousKilla Posts: 165Member Beginner
    Oberrin, my fat cow can catch your cheetah without a speed boost. I am the fastest player in the game.
  • LyonesseJosephLyonesseJoseph Posts: 637Member Intermediate
    No, it was OGP's doing after pirates whined then they removed deck battles. Anyway, Chinese version has full piracy even the players can plunder. Japanese version is focus on fairly play and relies on subscriptions ,so it's all up to host's decision as long as they adhere to contract that they and Koei made agreement.
  • InfamousKillaInfamousKilla Posts: 165Member Beginner
    Wes Doobner, blue flags were available in game. During the Viking event, there were thousands of Pirate's Toolboxes that were plundered. Each box contained 5 blue flags.
  • InfamousKillaInfamousKilla Posts: 165Member Beginner
    I don't understand what was so broken about pillage orders. Why not just :
    A. Blue flag
    B. Fine tribute
    C. Outmaneuver me
    D. Use a turtle
    E. Obstruction aide
    F. Welcome Melee Battle
    G. Unplunderable Gear
    H. Improved Hold
    I. Use a bank
    J. Negotiate terms
    K. Just play FarmVille

    There are lots of good options..
    Should I think of more reasons??
  • InfamousKillaInfamousKilla Posts: 165Member Beginner
    I'm not sure if I want to keep playing a watered down version of the game that I used to love.. Hopefully the people who make decisions at Papaya Play will realize that pirates don't have much incentive to play this game in it's current state, let alone pay hard earned money for things that have no practical application.
  • LyonesseJosephLyonesseJoseph Posts: 637Member Intermediate
    I have no issue with plunder, DB, or whatever ,but I do agree with some rules like need to remove astro and one time items from plunder list and maybe few things that's way players shouldn't complain about piracy. Not to mention that losing notoriety did hurt players big time because OGP decided to prevent pirates to farm players till 24 hours or log off.

    Tbh, they need to remove search feature while sailing because there is no way for us know where they are like I mean we're not omnipotent or fortuneteller to find them. IMO, they need to revise noto penalty ie losing noto on safe waters while gain noto on lawless as for example that's what you expect from pirates or remove all.
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