First UWO migrant arriving

KatanauwoKatanauwo Posts: 309Member Intermediate
Ahoy Papaya Play team,

First let me express my gratitude for taking over UWO, a wonderful mmorpg with a long history.

As you may or may not realise, everyone in UWO are eager to migrate here. They have some confusion on how transfer would take place, but that will clear up as you make annoucement.

What we do expect is the continuation of character data and an available premium shop when the transfer finishes.

There are speculation of a server wipe. This might not work for uwo coz the majority of premium players and whale players will leave, because they could not invest another life time into this game by starting over again. Just an insight here, i own a top tier pvp character, which took me 5 years to perfect. And because of the pvp character i have been regularly spending 200 bucks per month to build my ideal battle ships and improve battle gears. Without the character, i may not find the need to spend.

We also had problems in OGP where people who spent big on lottory got trash items and thus rage quit, while free players with time somehow became kings of the server due to multi abuse. It was dealt with eventually, but meanwhile a lot of nice premium players left coz they found it impossible to catch up with the time plenty free players even by spending big.

And generally UWO players hate pay to win, but welcome pay to convience and coolness. We had a former operator Netmarble who released cannonforge tool that endlessly increease aytack power. The population was halved immediately. OGP once released imbalanced pvp consumerable in a recent season, and pvp ceased until those items used up. Consequence being people left temporarily or permanently and so were their expenditures. Selling power does not work for UWO community.

We had a pvp nerf issue which OGP was looking at but couldnt finalise actions. Basically there is no item loss / gain in pvp, and there is a one hit per 24 hour restriction. Making pvp purates obsolete. I would say 1 hit per 10 minutes is more reasonable. This is key to the flourish of pvp activities, which is also related to premium purchase.

I wish those tips be taken into consideration when the new UWO operation starts.

Again thank you for providing us a place to continue our sea legend.


  • LyonesseJosephLyonesseJoseph Posts: 637Member Intermediate
    Idk about PVP issues ,but OGP deliberated to nerf or remove ie LSS by forced players to spend on astro more that caused many players to quit as well. Not to mention that OGP was not able to keep greedy bastards , cheaters. resellers, etc in check because they're lazy asf.while didn't want to hire sort of security officers to oversee that area like NM days did.
  • FrozenRubyFrozenRuby Posts: 286Member Intermediate
    could still multi in NM days 
  • defcee3defcee3 Posts: 11Member Beginner
    I remember people running Multi in NM.  I also remember the list in the forum of banned accounts for doing it.
  • FrozenRubyFrozenRuby Posts: 286Member Intermediate
    yes but they can't keep banning them because eventually they would piss off all their net cash buys and poof this game would be gone KOEI would permit that because they loose revenue and thats one of the reason UWO changed over to OGP. to prevent further players being banned for no more a reason as to use a system built into the game that allowed 2 screens on 1 pc. if KOEI had a problem with multi's they would of cracked down on OGP about them but they didn't u rarely see a multi banned under OGP.
  • DelaineDelaine Posts: 21Member Beginner
    multiing will always be a thing in any game that allows it hell even naval action allows it so long as you give them another 50 bucks to do it
    ign splink
  • DeadSkinMaskDeadSkinMask Posts: 23Member Beginner
    You got multi-boxing twisted.  Multi-boxing isn't 1 player on his pc or 1 player on your spare laptop, 2 logins.  Multi-boxers are entire fleets of alts sometimes 2 or three fleets who are farming gold to resell for USD..  
  • KatanauwoKatanauwo Posts: 309Member Intermediate
    Where can we sell ducats for USD? 
  • WendyWindblowsWendyWindblows Posts: 56Member Beginner
    you cannot buy sell duckets for USD legally, which is why Neo was banned and it was announced in game as a qwarning to others, who might try and buy in game currancy from gold sellers. I am still suprised they let a player return who was banned for selling his account to saviia . NO player who has been banned for game infractions , should be allowed to return , it sends the message that breaking the rules does not have any consiquences
  • LyonesseJosephLyonesseJoseph Posts: 637Member Intermediate
     NO player who has been banned for game infractions , should be allowed to return , it sends the message that breaking the rules does not have any consequences

    Well said. I agree ,but I get feeling they will give them 2nd chance for some reasons.
  • OwvinIIOwvinII Posts: 139Member Trainee
    Being banned for months/years is already severe enough as is, as if makes the banned farther and farther behind in levels/skills compared to many of those not banned.
  • calicaddy46calicaddy46 Posts: 123Member Trainee
    What's wrong with giving them 2nd chances if they recognize their mistake and will not do said infraction again. They got their account banned for it so unlikely they will be dealing with the illegal items/ducats anymore, if they stick to their words.

    Now if this was a 3rd chance then I think no one should be given one.

    That looooooooong schoooooooooooooner is a horror scene, lol
  • CrzyPsycoChickCrzyPsycoChick Posts: 667Member Intermediate
    Everyone Google "Uncharted Waters Online Reviews"...then read ALL the reviews on this game...then tell me if you were a new player WOULD YOU play UWO after reading all those horror stories?

    There are a lot of people absolutely dragging this game through the mud because of the corrupt player GM they hired. Those reviews scared off tons of new potential players from joining UWO as most people read reviews before joining thus costing them tons of $...I don't like people who cost the server money and new players...imagine all the new players we COULD have had and old players we lost be cause of him like Victoria Secret and many Dutch players due to FAKE gold seller/buyer accusations.

    Listen I think everyone banned During GM Coolwinds solo reign should be unbanned "except if banned for scamming other players" every other reason I say don't believe the player GM as it could  have had been because of bias.

    Release them it's free money and if they're bad again ban permanently besides UWO is on life support OGP dropped this game like a hot potato lol. Do you really think we can afford to tell people you can't play at this point? Give them another chance it costs 0 dollars to ban them again and tons of money to lose their business.
  • OwvinIIOwvinII Posts: 139Member Trainee
    I did search-engine "Uncharted Waters Online Reviews" and one of the results leads to, which also has a link to 
    and another one of the search results, one to MMO RPG site, also has a link to
    Therefore, there's at least come publicity/awareness of UWO on at least two independent MMO-info sites and probably more MMO-info sites. 

  • bababooeybababooey Posts: 6Member Beginner
    don't worry, if we have item plunder you will see many Asian players from other servers...gonna be awesome and frightening!
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