Yet another purpose based on a one-man expierience, as Walker the plank mentioned above, what about families owning but one computer. I remember me and my brother playing Flyff in the past, while it was my turn playing, by brother held his shop open and used it as my assist (for buffs) on a different account and vice versa, see no abuse here, only trying to make the best of it with limited options...
I keep asking not to punish them who have limited options at home / in life because of you luxury-problems.
When you make a point/suggestion here, please try to share us you problem and leave the finding of a solution to the majority of players. Things should be solved after constructive and well considered thinking, not because of your single preferred ideal.
I agree with the OP. The best way to run this game (like most games), is to limit to one account per IP and email. They should have a limit of 3 player characters for free. Additional characters, up to 12 could be added, but would only be active with either a premium account or an add registration permit.
To be fair, old players porting over.. would be allowed to import characters from multiple accounts onto their one account. Now.... for the all important secret ingredient: Every account would receive one Shared Storage for free... thats right free. I recommend making Shared storage accessible to each player character once their lowest level is exceeds level 5, to discourage shenanigans and scammers.
Ok Time for me to to chime in on all this. I've just been reading but i gotta way in on this. Ok Multi's = BAD GAME. Multi's are allowed on games as they start to die, to make it feel like more players and allow u to do stuff that used to require other players to preform by yourself. WHICH SUCKS! this is an MMO not 1 player game. So yes remove the multi's and make peeps have to play together again. You can cry about not being able to do everything in-game with 1 char, but i've been here since beta, only a FEW are older than me and played more that are left. for majority of the life of the server only 1 account was allowed, yes some did multi back then, but it was a temp ban, then a perma ban on all associated accounts. it didn't get inforced as much as needed cause the staff of the hosts has sucked. and they relied on players taking SS's of multi's and turn them in. Even to the extent of i was able to multi while in Elysium (GMCoolwinds company) but soon as i left i got email with a warning. Also as kanatta explained, multis fueld the inflation. 1 toon u make a MAX of 120-150m per nanban with 3 toons that's 360 - 450m per nanban, so big difference on the amount of checks available. So yes to start with multi's need to be removed. i'll be posting on Sever Wipe as well.
It seems that so many on these forums just care about taking from others. The ones with the alts are often the serious gamers, the ones that love it and play often and probably plow money into the game.
Those that want to see the alts removed i imagine are the more casual players that aren't getting the full benefit of what the game has to offer.
I have to say I most strongly object to the suggestion by the original poster. Just leave the rules as they were ie. 3 active toons per IP address same time as a limit.
you need at least 2 characters active same time to be able to trade things between them. (as Wes Dobner rightly said above)
Alchemy already had been very hard to do under the existing rules and would be close to impossible with only 1 toon online as it uses a lot of inventory slots and with only 1 toon online you cant trade between your active and your storage toon.
Very many players have built up 2 or 3 characters to a high level over years and developed a specialisation between them. Suddenly having to decide for just 1 of them would cripple their game and I fear many of them would quit.
Many experienced players who have 2 or 3 active toons are very helpful people who help new players to learn the game and develop their characters.
I know a number of experienced veteran players who regularly sailed with 2 toons and who are most helpful. This kind of player is most useful in expanding the player base, helping new players to get up and running. I have 2 active toons myself (Jean_Dupleix and SylvieLafleur) - those who know me in game know that I have helped many many players over the 4 1/2 years I am active, especially newbies in giving them information, crafting for them and mentoring them - very often for free or if I charged it was usually well below the current market price. Take 1 toon away from me and I would be rather crippled as they rely on each other for skills they can share. As a consequence I fear my help for newbies would suffer a lot.
Offhand I do not know a single company director who only has 1 active toon. And by my experience I have to say that it is almost necessary to have 2 active toons in that role. As director you are almost constantly having newbie members you need to help in the various aspects of the game. Also I needed the 2nd mailbox to administer my company and record company contributions.
So, basically you're saying fuck me or fuck my brother. There's 2 of us playing in the same wi-fi network. Any IP filter will get the router IP and only 1 of us can play. That will not cost you 1 of us, it will cost you bouth of us. And I'm not the only person in this situation. Not cool, bro, not cool at all.
OK, first of all, lets look at this realistically.. I have played through 3 server transfers and I can tell you that the issue is not just with traders. When you have certain players shouting in world chat that they can have 20+ toons online at once and just keep them in separate areas to not draw attention. This individual was never banned or touched either. Rediculous if you ask me but anyway.. point in check here should be surrounding what used to be good gameplay.
For instance, we used to travel in fleets of 5 sometimes multiple fleets in one go because it simply smart gameplay to take company trips to ea.. more ships means more protection. OGP made it a witch hunt on mutiple players even if you were not in the same house you were shouted at and shamed publically made to look like a multi boxer in game just because they wanted to make it impossible for multi more than 3 right? ... this failed miserably and also ruined group activities in the company because too many just wanted to play the game and not be labled a multi.
Regardless what you do in game to make the experience good for your company and working together to do things, players and OGP staff made it impossible to travel together without being shouted at SCREENSHOT or MULTI RULE BREAKERS .. noone wants to hear that and we stopped doing the events like that because of it. It is a game, we enjoy playing, you can't enjoy something if your constantly accused of being something your not. It's a stressor more than anything.
Find level playing ground and get back to the company trade or battle or adventure events to pull the game together as it was meant to be.. not just make people off on their own because of alienation due to suspect multies. None of wich was ever substantuated btw. Can we just get back to working together in game and building companies that are indeed worth being a part of? Stop the drama and get into the game again. Thats what will truely make a difference in the game.
Astro or NC? Maybe this is why I've struggled compared to other players - I just play with one character. It kinda reminds me of the first Diablo, if you don't hack yer meat for the machine.
Though, I get the feeling that having players buy extra storage slots is going to be a larger contributing factor to them then whether or not it will effect in game prices.
"Aide bazaar is really limited I mean it's good when you want to sell things within a certain price limit like nanban goods, LCCT and all but the expensive stuff.. the ships ,outfits astro items all need human interaction with that said aide bazaar can't shout either.
So in order to sell those things like SSIP NPC etc some one needs to manually have an alt in Seville selling and shouting if only 1 char allowed you're stuck sitting endlessly in Seville waiting for a buyer. smh :("
This is the first argument I've seen put forth that's actually adjusted my viewpoint.
If it means I can keep track of what's going on in Seville without millions of shouts cascading around me, I'm all for blocking alts.
(Mostly kidding here... I currently have two characters, so they can specialize in different things depending on how I feel like playing, but I don't really care much how other people play. The level of shouting in Seville is really absurd, though.)
@PiesRats damn man you made log in just to point out how false are your declarations.
I have been around longer than you, i was a firm opponent of the multiple account user, and dedicated about 1 hour each day to report multi boxers back when it was forbidden, and only stopped once NetMarble published their stance on the matter allowing up to 3 clients, which made all my previous effort moot.
Even after it was allowed it took me years to decide to create an alt because trade skills had littered my slots, unlike a certain someone who admits to do it for profit while it was forbidden using influences.
And i can assure that the time it was forbidden was small compared to the whole life time of Gama, point in case OGP didn't modify the rules just decided to continue the 3 accounts per IP NM had already in place.
Desire spawns madness, madness collapses into disaster. mankind never learns...
I repeat my position that those who want to limit the game to one toon per IP are some super jackasses that have no real understanding of the game. These people are talking about limiting the game, when the vast openness of the game is the real draw. Go play some other game if you don't like this one.
Everything costs the same as it always has done. Everything from a wooden bucket to a trading galleon.For the majority of players in this game there is no inflation.
Ah ... you're talking about the market in luxury items. Your top rank ships, special ship parts, suits of armour and such.
Well the majority of players are never going to own a red Ferrari or have an apartment in Central London. The crazy money-crazy inflation only applies to the few.
From the perspective of the proletariat there's nothing wrong with the economy - or the game.
If you don't like the cost of luxury items - get by without them.
Too competitive. I'll never understand why people need to change others' playstyle. You play the game as you want, I'll play as I want.
If you care about some sort of justice thing, cash players will always overrun non-cash players... because you know, they pay cash (I don't do that, but I'm not against them). People play alts, but surprise, you can also play alts! Isn't that justice? If you don't want to play alts, you're welcome not to do it and, if you want, you can do it your way (I use to play 2 chars but doing different things, especially while my ships are terribly slow so it's boring just standing still 40 minutes and games have to be fun, not boring, that's why I play alts).
I have played the game with one toon. No alts whatsoever. I have done all my shipbuilding, and fusion to G6 on all my ships without alts. So the argument that they are needed for that is incorrect. I have never had an issue with alts for skills , but the alts to fleet for nanban is not good for the game in my opinion. I have also never nanbanned, ever. Yet I have had many top notch ships and afforded to max mod and fusion them all. Guess I am amazing somehow being able to do it all with one toon.
Basic economic info - things that can sell for lots of money are not the cause of inflation, lots of money itself is the cause of inflation. Thus, the expensive ships and gear in the bottles are not causes of inflation - they are DUCAT SINKS that will absorb some of the money being made. without those, inflation would be even greater. The cause of inflation is more money and the solution is more stuff to spend it on. this is junior high economics folks.
Alts are a choice we all no one has an advantage at all!
If person A sails a ship identical to person B, but person A decides not to fit sails to his ship, he will of course be slower than person B who does fit sails. Does that make person B a cheat because he decided to fit sails?
No! All person B is doing is using the full benefits that the game and server developer deems fit.
You make the choice to not use an alt, no one is forcing you. So if you feel the others have an advantage please feel free to create alts yourself. Other than that stop worrying about others.
There is some that abuse it but not everyone.
But with thousands playing this game from all over the world..if you really want it to be this fair perfect game then it’s never gonna happen.
Wes spending cash on items other people are selling is not a money sink thats just changing hands, fusion and investment are money sinks where what is spent is lost.
Multiboxing is not just a play style thats the biggest load of garbage
OMG here he goes on alts again. Dude don't you have anything else in that mind of yours that can come out. I will say this again. alts can be a play style that someone uses. So you ever think what you write is a load of garbage. Oh wait that is right, You are always right in that small mind of yours
if it was just an other way to play would ya really need more than 1 email, PP account and more than 1 screen of the same game open?? No ya wouldn't. Ya could have 3 toons running off the 1 account, more likely is they would of had a party set up instead of aides n aide ships.
I've said before i couldn't really give a flying rats *** if ya multiboxin or not but sit there n try and convince yourself n everybody else that ya in any way justified in doing so.
Everyone has their own way to play and for you to knock them for it is BS no one tells you how to play but you think you have the right to dictate what is the way it is supposed to be played. You keep saying the same thing over and over you are a broken record and it is nit us justifying it like you think everyone plays the way they like but people like you want to dictate the game the way they would like it
I played a 4-toon-party last night. thanks to Microsoft Desktops and my premium VPN service. As far as Papaya and GameGuard were concerned, I was logging 2 guys in from San Francisco and 2 random people from Florida were also playing at the same time.
That's proof that it's possible and further proof that there is no safeguard in place against anyone doing this at any time.
Now, I find alt playing a huge pain in the ass, trying to coordinate a party of 2 zombies around my main. But I can't deny the benfits
Assuming you do only have 3 toons... Advantage #1 - 3 times the rewards. Share a quest, get 3 rewards. QMPs are a major factor here, as you can earn 3 QMPs for each toon finishing the quest, then repeat the quest 3 times in some cases. That's a total of 9 rewards for one player.
#2 - Inventory space - Papaya should have granted us more space with the packs they awarded, but they didn't and won't, probably because it's their marketing strategy. Alts circumvent this problem by allowing 3 times the storage space, bank accounts and vaults.
#3 Trade - 3 holds is bigger than 1, 'nuff said.
#4 - No reason to hire players, no reason to trade services, no reason to purchase anything from other people. I easily had enough skill slots to create a maritime alt, a production/trade alt and an Adventure alt. All 3 had their own share of production skills, but only 1 needed to have all the sailing/survival skills necessary to sail the open sea safely.
#4b - those 2 extra, helpless alts who were incapable of functioning in the game, to any degree on their own, would not normally be players capable of leveling the skills, producing the goods and trading the materials they had, as part of my party. They would just be inconsequential players begging for spare coins in Seville, not accomplishing anything due to their lack of ability to function at sea and ward off even the most feeble of NPC pirates. Yet here they are, part of a super-factory, led by yours truly.
So get off your high-horses, arguing that alts are just an "alternative" way of playing the game. You need 3 separate accounts to play because, surprise, surprise... no more than 1 character is allowed to log in per account. But don't let built in programming stop you from manipulating the system to play in your totally legitimate, non-game-breaking styles!
Thawk - you're really coming off as a douchebag when you start spouting that bullshit about one way of play being "justified" and others not. You can go jump of a wharf and stay there if that's the way you want to characterize those who disagree with you.
Hi Wes - I don't normally disagree with you - we tend to see things the same way.
But ... in the 1980s Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher both tried running economies on 'High School Economics' (it was called 'monetarism' back then) and it didn't work.
There is no clear relationship between money supply and inflation. In fact in the UK over the last 20 years our politicians have worked on the assumption a flagging economy can be revived by injecting money. We've not seen any inflation. (I think you'll find the same approach was taken in the US).
And another 'High School Economics' fallacy - they didn't tell you supply-demand curves only work in so-called 'perfect' markets, usually low value, high volume, undifferentiated goods.
A luxury market operates differently. The goods create their own demand. High prices maintain exclusivity. the market itself is exclusive, i.e. excludes.
High prices only exists in UWO in this luxury market.
I'm just one of the proletariat so it doesn't bother me. I buy my ships in the dockyard. 'Good enough' is good enough for me!
Only when prices on anything go so high (past 20b) do I really have an issue with it. I am only running one toon (not trying to start the alt argument) mostly because I do not have the time or want to take the effort to level up anymore, seems like a lot of extra non-rrlaxing work. So with only one toon, anything priced above the 20b mark is Impossible for me to buy. If they just increased the amount of checks or bank limits I would be ok. I really don't want to be forced into creating 3 alts to buy one 80B ship.
Saying the economy is being ruined by Multiboxers is like saying that X number of extra players will ruin the economy. Arguments like this against multiboxers come purely from jealousy and the fact that you belief something should be a certain way, when in reality that something is not even remotely within your control. You all sound like 4 year olds that were just informed that they're opinions on how bedtime should work are not valid.
My wife was sorting through an Excel document for 8 hours, determining if 1 set of data existed in another, line by line. I stopped her part-way through and wrote a formula that instantly resolved this. We both put the same effort in, but one of us was more effective. Did she bitch about how stupid Excel is and that life's not fair?
- you need at least 2 characters active same time to be able to trade things between them. (as Wes Dobner rightly said above)
- Alchemy already had been very hard to do under the existing rules and would be close to impossible with only 1 toon online as it uses a lot of inventory slots and with only 1 toon online you cant trade between your active and your storage toon.
- Very many players have built up 2 or 3 characters to a high level over years and developed a specialisation between them. Suddenly having to decide for just 1 of them would cripple their game and I fear many of them would quit.
- Many experienced players who have 2 or 3 active toons are very helpful people who help new players to learn the game and develop their characters.
I know a number of experienced veteran players who regularly sailed with 2 toons and who are most helpful. This kind of player is most useful in expanding the player base, helping new players to get up and running.I have 2 active toons myself (Jean_Dupleix and SylvieLafleur) - those who know me in game know that I have helped many many players over the 4 1/2 years I am active, especially newbies in giving them information, crafting for them and mentoring them - very often for free or if I charged it was usually well below the current market price. Take 1 toon away from me and I would be rather crippled as they rely on each other for skills they can share. As a consequence I fear my help for newbies would suffer a lot.
Offhand I do not know a single company director who only has 1 active toon. And by my experience I have to say that it is almost necessary to have 2 active toons in that role. As director you are almost constantly having newbie members you need to help in the various aspects of the game. Also I needed the 2nd mailbox to administer my company and record company contributions.
If it means I can keep track of what's going on in Seville without millions of shouts cascading around me, I'm all for blocking alts.
(Mostly kidding here... I currently have two characters, so they can specialize in different things depending on how I feel like playing, but I don't really care much how other people play. The level of shouting in Seville is really absurd, though.)
mankind never learns...
If you care about some sort of justice thing, cash players will always overrun non-cash players... because you know, they pay cash (I don't do that, but I'm not against them). People play alts, but surprise, you can also play alts! Isn't that justice? If you don't want to play alts, you're welcome not to do it and, if you want, you can do it your way (I use to play 2 chars but doing different things, especially while my ships are terribly slow so it's boring just standing still 40 minutes and games have to be fun, not boring, that's why I play alts).
I have done all my shipbuilding, and fusion to G6 on all my ships without alts.
So the argument that they are needed for that is incorrect.
I have never had an issue with alts for skills , but the alts to fleet for nanban is not good for the game in my opinion.
I have also never nanbanned, ever. Yet I have had many top notch ships and afforded to max mod and fusion them all. Guess I am amazing somehow being able to do it all with one toon.
If person A sails a ship identical to person B, but person A decides not to fit sails to his ship, he will of course be slower than person B who does fit sails. Does that make person B a cheat because he decided to fit sails?
No! All person B is doing is using the full benefits that the game and server developer deems fit.
You make the choice to not use an alt, no one is forcing you. So if you feel the others have an advantage please feel free to create alts yourself.
Other than that stop worrying about others.
There is some that abuse it but not everyone.
But with thousands playing this game from all over the world..if you really want it to be this fair perfect game then it’s never gonna happen.
Play your game, not other people’s.
Multiboxing is not just a play style thats the biggest load of garbage
I've said before i couldn't really give a flying rats *** if ya multiboxin or not but sit there n try and convince yourself n everybody else that ya in any way justified in doing so.
I am only running one toon (not trying to start the alt argument) mostly because I do not have the time or want to take the effort to level up anymore, seems like a lot of extra non-rrlaxing work.
So with only one toon, anything priced above the 20b mark is Impossible for me to buy.
If they just increased the amount of checks or bank limits I would be ok.
I really don't want to be forced into creating 3 alts to buy one 80B ship.
My wife was sorting through an Excel document for 8 hours, determining if 1 set of data existed in another, line by line. I stopped her part-way through and wrote a formula that instantly resolved this. We both put the same effort in, but one of us was more effective. Did she bitch about how stupid Excel is and that life's not fair?
.... She sure as hell did.