Thats the design, since all you have is the little barca, and they immediately transport you to the school there. IDK if anyone has tried to move to anyother town.
I think you have to start the school at the starting city you pick for beginner cause they make it where you learn the basics of sailing at the beginning
Sorry for this late answer, me myself no I won't start a company in London. But our previous leader "Admiral" is to do so. "Royal_Navy" will soon rise and shine again! ( Feel free to join ;)
Well, ok, so maybe you do the first beginner school at your starting city. Then you get a better ship as a reward. Now maybe you can sail to another nearby major city, perhaps to fleet with your alt and do the nexr beginner school as a fleet to save a bit of time. Why not?
Not sure spiek, but i do know soon as u create a new char, and talk to them GM like as soon as ur created, it transports u to the school of ur home nation. Now whether not not u can get quests from another beginner school at another home town, i'm not sure.
@pie the non ability to trade with players was still in effect after beta. i had lots of troubles in beginning trading b/c of lanquage differences. i hope that doesnt return.....
oh yes it was a pain in the arse. and doubt we have that many people as we did then, so it'll be even harder if that was the case. Have to make 3rd alt with nothing but european languages on it so we can talk/trade/fleet :D
Amsterdam here. Its a hop, skip, and a day from other capitols. In addition to all the benefits of London which is a one minute trip... you have great trading, Mercator, control of all of the Northern ports, and control of the Spice Islands, plus Calicut and Cape Town (which shall be true again)... which gives good trade quantity boosts, some of the best pirate lauch points in the game, as well as some protection against pirates. Plus Amsterdam is just cool.
That's because I want to build ships such as San Gabriel, Dutch Indiaman, and etc while Marseilles for trading purposes ie Handicrafts. But I am not going to grind sb even though I will do sb when I get opportunity while doing trading.
I was thinking Spanish, but my company was Dutch so with the development reset in the whole world Europe will need rebuilding and supporting a company with the right nationality is therefore important. So I reckon on being Dutch this time round. Saint-Pierre
Ok, allways welcome ;) This instantly promotes me as a recruter :D
I you decide so, look for me in-game...