Play on mac?

HelloAllHelloAll Posts: 701Member Intermediate
My friend is interested to play but has a MacBook Pro.
Can this game be played on there?


  • crazyhunter2003crazyhunter2003 Posts: 763Member Intermediate
    try asking papaya or koei
  • NaverUWONaverUWO Posts: 84Member Beginner
    he can distribute partition memory and install windows on macbook so that he can play UWO.
    Otherwise there is zero possibility to release macbook version as it takes so much money for a small company.
    "The more righteous your fight, the more opposition that you will face." - Donald J. Trump
    "Treat the word impossible as nothing more than motivation." - Donald J. Trump
    "The more people tell you it's not possible, that it can't be done, the more you should be absolutely determined to prove them wrong." - Donald J. Trump
  • HawthorneHawthorne Posts: 71Member Beginner
    Unless they get rid of X-Trap, you'll have to use Boot Camp or Parallels.  I tried running UWO in Wine once with no luck.
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