Some advice to PapayaPlay in order to revive UWO successfully

NaverUWONaverUWO Posts: 84Member Beginner
Hi, I just checked current status of UWO and seems like it's happening as I expected long time ago before I quit.

While most of you guys disagree with me on wiping the server data and starting from fresh, I totally understand how it feels like for those who spent so much real money into it just like I did but it has to be done since it contains all the messes that created by two failure companies before especially OGP along with their player GMs. With those craps, it's extremely difficult for new publisher to do such things. I was really surprised that OGP just threw you guys away with a sentence of "Ask refund to your bank".......To be honest, I was shocked little bit on how unprofessional they are. Blame OGP and give a chance to Papaya play.. o.o

Some advice to Papaya play would be:

1. Try to avoid selling any cash ships/parts and find a way to earn money without influencing balances.
  - Monthly payment and make ships obtainable or build-able just like Japanese server.
  - Focus on pay to progress not pay to win. For example, an item takes 10 hours to obtain, then to 5 hour with some payment. 

2. Restore excitement and competition of PvP system. This is very important and this itself will bring back many hardcore players including myself. 
  - Allow pirates to freely attack traders in lawless/hostile waters without limitation.
  - Allow pirates and bounty hunters to plunder player inventory items at certain chance after melee battle.
  - Allow force deck battle at certain chance with increment by each attempt in melee battle.

(Reason for these are to make competition between companies and by giving them a power to defend and attack, there will be diplomacy going on between companies which will make the game more exciting along with more group activities.)

These are some of most important things to be fixed or improved soon as possible and I wish PapayaPlay learn mistakes from previous two failed companies.

"The more righteous your fight, the more opposition that you will face." - Donald J. Trump
"Treat the word impossible as nothing more than motivation." - Donald J. Trump
"The more people tell you it's not possible, that it can't be done, the more you should be absolutely determined to prove them wrong." - Donald J. Trump
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