Multiple Accounts

msenergymsenergy Posts: 1Member Beginner
I'm not sure if it's possible, but I have a suggestion;

Is it not easier to make it so you can only create 1 account per IP address?

I know that you ban a few multi acc's but they can just create a new account, since it's free to create an email and it's free to create a account.

This could help with;

1: Stop people from abusing the free weapons that is given at the start of a new character.
2: Stop players from creating multiple accounts which lead to my last point!

3: Most people use hacks or cheats on a new account, to make sure their main account don't get banned. This might solve people who use a new account as a way of cheating, and decrease the amount of cheaters in your game.
I still hate the GM's for banning my main account for no reason whatsoever, but I'm back on my feet.
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